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  1. over 2 years ago on Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons

    Pretty sure one would be affected.

  2. over 2 years ago on Doonesbury

    All of the folks mentioned by Mark all died in the past few weeks. And folks do know that Mark himself exists as much as Mr. Covid or Dr. Whoopee or Red Rascal.

  3. over 2 years ago on Doonesbury

    Jimmy DeYoung is listed as “present with the Lord.” As my one boss would say:“He’s room temperature.”

  4. over 2 years ago on Doonesbury

    Marc Bernier’s website is still up and running. Caveat:“No upcoming events at this time.”

  5. over 2 years ago on Doonesbury

    Needing Wiki bios for these guys. Enyart would play Queen’s(irony layered on irony,layered on another layer of irony) “Another One Bites The Dust” while reading obits of AIDS victims.While a card-carrying agnostic,I visualize pedophile priests digging a deeper,hotter Hades for new special arrivals,using rusty shovels and rusty,poisoned rusty pitchforks. Bobby comes to the front of the line.

  6. over 2 years ago on Bad Reporter

    If you are commenting,please read all of the other comments. One comment compared Don’s work to The Onion. Don ate a big bowl of The Onion twice a week. Hopefully in french onion soup form. Missed? Sorely. But please let it rest.

  7. over 2 years ago on Jack Ohman

    Real infrastructure answers with real money(hopefully from billionaires fair share of taxes). No more Trumpy Infrastructure Weeks and mobbed up cement. Extra penalties for the Sacklers,Kirshners and Charlie Kochsoaker. They only hurt the ones they loathe.

  8. over 2 years ago on Chip Bok

    Like many,a sore arm,not unlike the flu shot. Still vertical. Unlike Phil Valentine…

  9. over 2 years ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    What and lose top draft pick in 2022? Keep losin’,O’s,just a few more weeks of misery.

  10. over 2 years ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    Bunt. A truly forgotten art.