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  1. 9 days ago on Chip Bok

    I find it really sad for our country that a previous President is the head of a personality cult whose members are proud of sending money to and supporting someone accused of 88 different criminal offenses in various states, and even worse that the craven Republican Party is retaining him as their nominee for President because they need those gullible followers to get and retain more power.

  2. 11 days ago on Steve Kelley

    This contention that Trump’s conviction or the rejoicing that the justice system actually finally held him to account for something is somehow going to “stir up votes” for Trump or be to his benefit is outright laughable. Trump’s cult followers consistently refuse to believe any evidence, no matter how verifiable, that he’s guilty of anything ever so this certainly will not affect them, Democrats and those who believe in law and order will be voting for Biden. And, assuming there even are any left, undecided voters at worst might be split between those not wanting to vote for a convicted felon and those thinking that somehow the trial was politically motivated and rigged despite a public trial, a unanimous jury, documentary evidence, the ability of the defense to present witnesses to counter that evidence and present an alternative explanation for the charges, and the opportunity for the defendant to testify in his own defense (which he repeatedly said he was looking forward to doing but then ducked out of doing).

  3. 11 days ago on Steve Kelley

    For anyone citing polls, first, current polls are automatically meaningless because we are in an unprecedentedly volatile political climate with an unprecedentedly volatile GOP nominee and it’s four months before the election. Also, because polls can no longer rely solely on the traditional single method of phone-polling, the methodology used varies from organization to organization so it’s very hard both to compare polls against each other and to determine the likely accuracy of any given poll.

    For more than you ever wanted to know… https :// pewresearch. org /methods/2023/04/19/how-public-polling-has-changed-in-the-21st-century/

  4. 11 days ago on Chip Bok

    What “1A unconstitutionality of the NY prosecution”?!? A defendant not being allowed to make statements that expose jurors, the judge, the witnesses and/or their families to abuse and possible violence?

  5. 12 days ago on Chip Bok

    This wording gives a false impression: saying the deck is “stacked” against Trump on appeal implies that there is some rigging going on. However, there are a few reasons an appeal is unlikely to be successful: first, as you note, there is no legal point on which to hang the appeal. Also, his numerous violations of the gag order, his choice not to testify, his expressing no remorse, and his blowing off a post-trial probation interview will all work against him.

  6. 12 days ago on Chip Bok

    This talking point that being convicted of 34 felonies will only strengthen Trump’s support is laughable: we already know that Trump’s supporters are a cult who won’t believe their Fearless Leader is guilty of any wrongdoing regardless of how much evidence is presented, and it’s highly unlikely independent voters will be more inclined to vote for him.

  7. 12 days ago on Chip Bok

    Nice try to compare the Trump situation to that of John Edwards but there’s one key difference: Edwards started paying off his mistress before he ran and continued to do so even after he suspended his campaign so his hush money payments were just generally to save his reputation. Trump’s reimbursement to Cohen was immediately before the 2016 election and directly after the scandal of the Access Hollywood tape.

    Sadly, the other difference is that Edwards suffered from societal outrage about the scandal but Trump’s supporters don’t care that he’s a lying adulterous scumbag so he could have saved himself the hush money and avoided this trial.

  8. 13 days ago on Chip Bok

    Yet again, when Trump supporters can’t provide any facts to defend him, all they’re left with is to “both sides” the issue regardless of whether the context or behavior was actually the same or whether what they’re claiming is even true.

  9. 13 days ago on Chip Bok

    Fixed: Show a jury significant documentary evidence, be unable to provide any believable alternative explanation, and have the defendant decline to testify on his own behalf and I’ll find you a unanimous decision by the jury that the perpetrator is guilty, thus confirming something that the majority of Americans had begun to doubt: that in the United States, the rule of law can still be applied to all.

  10. 16 days ago on Steve Kelley

    It’s absolutely hilarious to me that the Right still clings to their tired old bogeymen (or in this case, woman) to rile up their adherents, just like Trump keeps repeating his same old tired sore-loser whining. All they have is culture wars, bogeymen, and scare tactics.