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  1. 3 months ago on Views of the World

    @Gophergopher 30,000 dead is the figure provided by Hamas. That is of course a completely reliable figure, and no combatants are included in this figure.

    @NoNewWars Hamas has in their charter the call for genocide of the Jews, and Israelis. That is a fact. The River to the Seas slogan is asking for the removal of Israel.It is also a fact that in Yemen, Muslims are killing Muslims (Houtis & Saudi Arabia), also in Darfur. Yet the world finds that acceptable. You claim that there is injustice and racism in Israel, which probably does exist. However, when you get a group of people who are actively committing terrorist acts, you cannot expect the state not to restrict their movements. Think Northern Ireland, and post 9/11 America travel restrictions.

    If you were to be critical of the Settlers, then I would agree with you 100% These should be torn down, and reigned in.

  2. 3 months ago on Views of the World

    @NoNewWars I found it interesting, with the first cease-fire. The Palestinian prisoners, all looked healthy, clean, and fit. They looked like normal prisoners. The Israeli prisoners were malnourished, haunted, and anything but fit. They looked like they had been captured by a bunch of terrorists!

  3. 8 months ago on ViewsAmerica

    @FreyatheWandere: Israel previously had offered the Palestinians virtually everything they wanted, it was agreed upon. When it was ready to be signed, Mr Arrafat decided to grandstand and walk out and leave the Israelis with egg on their faces. When a group continually conducts terrorist acts, are you surprised that measures are taken? Yes, the current administration has added fuel to the fire. Hamas is a variant of ISIS, they build their military infrastructure in residential buildings, in hospitals, and in schools. They have no regard for the Palestinian people, who are little more than bargaining chips, and shields.How did all the weapons get into Gaza? Perhaps concentrating on peace would generate better treatment.

  4. over 1 year ago on Ripley's Believe It or Not

    In Belgium, you can book your seat. They do (for a price) have special seats for couples.

  5. about 2 years ago on ViewsEurope

    Right now if Russia invades a NATO country then those 80.000 US soldiers will die trying to stop the juggernaut. (WW2) As long as NATO/EU does not get directly involved with the Ukraine/Russia then there isn’t a good enough reason for Russia to advance West. Unless Russia is stopped, and appeasement does not work, Mr Putin will be parking his tanks in Paris.

    No easy answer.

  6. over 2 years ago on Over the Hedge

    Wait until you try the real thing – Belgian Fries from a Frituur!

  7. over 2 years ago on Over the Hedge

    French Fries are in reality Belgian Fries! They originated in Belgium and they are the national dish.

  8. almost 3 years ago on In Security

    If there isn’t a front airbag (or deactivated) it is ok. However, he should be in a rear-facing car seat!

  9. about 3 years ago on ViewsMidEast

    Stop the expansion of the settlements, and Palestinians stop firing missiles – then you stand a chance at peace.Don’t forget Hamas & Hezbollah all protect their missiles with their people. Israel protects their people with missiles!

  10. about 3 years ago on Views of the World

    So is the cartoonist is complaining about the missiles used to defend Israel? Missiles fired from playgrounds / inhabited areas towards Israel by the Palestinians. Missiles fired from territory given back in return for peace? I do not call that peace. If it happened to you, you would cry out for retribution.USA – 3 aircraft hijacked and destroys or almost destroys three buildings, a third aircraft crashes before the target. Result: a leadership change in a foreign country.