
moosemin Free

I love reading History. I find it more fascinating than most fiction. Although a registered Independent voter, my political and social views lean to a conservative outlook. Both major political parties are, in my opinion, totally bankrupt in ideals and intent. Both pull too far in their respective direction, and all have sold themselves to the highest bidders. A New England Yankee, I have great admiration for the founders of our nation. The early ones, Washington, Adams Jefferson and others put their lives on the line. Add Madison, Franklin and more. We are most fortunate that our Revolution/Rebellion was organized and led by educated, enlightened men (not to forget Abigail and some other uncelebrated women) who thought far into the future, and it took other men like Jackson, Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt and FDR to maintain the hopes & dreams of millions. France's Revolution started well, but was taken over by lesser men, and fell into the Reign of Terror, and the Guillotine. Russia suffered Lenin & Trotsky. We were luckier! I cannot get through the day without reading the Comics. Regular comics first, then the Political 'toons. Unemployed for 35 months, I finally landed a good position with a good company! However, now I have less time to comment, (a relief to some) and less time to read other comments. Just typing out my gripes & diatribes gives me a feeling of being a little less helpless, and I feel better having said it. Sometimes I goof. I do like reading other comments: occasionally I learn something.

Recent Comments

  1. 1 day ago on Pedro X. Molina

    Not only my suspicions. Cameras and investigation are gathering evidence which points to just such possibilities.

  2. 1 day ago on Michael Ramirez

    I am not ignoring one side, but calling attention to the OTHER side. Imagine living in a country surrounded by other nations whose Godly faith espouses hatred and revenge, and openly calls for your annihilation?

  3. 2 days ago on Michael Ramirez

    Although I agree with your post, my greatest concern is that Gen Z seems to know little, if any, history of the region, nor do they seem to grasp the horror and dimensions of a government-sponsored industrial-scale genocide, such as the Jewish people of Europe were subjected to. Even after the photos and films of Treblinka, Dachau etc were shown to the world, after Allied soldiers who liberated the camps came home reluctant to talk about what they had seen, many people today deny that it ever happened. When displaced, surviving Jews sought a place to live, all nations put up NO VACANCY signs. Over the centuries, the Jews had to work their way through numerous pogroms, but the one the Nazis started is still happening. Cannot Gen Z have some compassion for them?

  4. 2 days ago on Pedro X. Molina

    Best ‘toon on this subject, Pedro!! And it’s reality also reinforces my suspicions about outside paid professional organizers tapping these zealous students to help Iran and HAMAS bring down Israel.

  5. 2 days ago on Lalo Alcaraz

    Yes, but this is not an old (I am) person telling a young person to sit down. Many of the ones I have listened to during interviews are looking at ONE SIDE only. How many of them have read about the initial HAMAS attack against so many unsuspecting Israeli civilians? The utter brutality of the beatings, multiple rapes, then killing the rape victim by mutilation? How about the beheading of journalists and reporters? Using women as sheilds as they attack? (A favorite Islamic practice). And there is growing evidence pointing to trained paid agitators stirring up the emotions on some of these campuses. HAMAS and Iran have put in some serious planning in an attempt to turn world opinion against Israel. How many of these American students are chumps? Who is organizing the “Death to America!” chants?

  6. 3 days ago on Matt Wuerker

    I recall an episode of “The Simpsons”, in which Homer, as a little boy during the early 1960’s, was imitating JFK’s talk, saying that he hoped to grow up and become President. But dad laughed at him, saying “We have laws to prevent idiots like you becoming President!” (They must have been repealed in 1981)

  7. 3 days ago on Mike Luckovich

    What direction do you think we are heading?

  8. 3 days ago on Kevin Necessary Editorial Cartoons

    In a bad way, we established a precedent by letting Richard Nixon resign, with full benefits, and an all-purpose pardon to boot. It is coming back to bite us!

  9. 3 days ago on Bill Bramhall

    At first glance, I somehow read "From what I read this morning, the Dems will be able to table the moron. Boy, the sub-conscious really emerges on top sometimes!)

  10. 3 days ago on Clay Bennett

    At the end, he poisoned Blondi, to see if the cyanide worked quickly enough.