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  1. about 20 hours ago on Mike Luckovich

    Apparently, he didn’t eat all his green beans, and mommy took away his screen time.

  2. about 20 hours ago on Pedro X. Molina

    So is violent zionism.

  3. 2 days ago on Jeff Stahler

    Full title — “I Sold My Soul, And There’s No Going Back.”

  4. 3 days ago on Clay Jones

    As an insider, she knows that if she perjured herself and got caught, there’s no way Defendant Trump would come to her defense; he’d happily throw her under the bus to save his own skin.

  5. 3 days ago on Clay Bennett

    Well, I was referring to a coup by military leaders to remove him from office (“with extreme prejudice,” as they say) when he tries to exert dictatorial powers and use the judicial system and military forces as arms of his personal, political operations.

  6. 3 days ago on Clay Jones

    It was only blind partisanship that kept him from being the first President impeached and convicted.

  7. 3 days ago on Rudy Park

    PolitiFact 4 March 2024:

    When excluding the pandemic year of 2020, we found that the economy under Biden added jobs at a faster rate than under Trump — and faster than any of Biden’s recent predecessors.

    Under Biden, U.S. employment is now 10% above what it was when he was sworn in. Ranking second after three years is Clinton, with almost 8%, followed by Trump with 4.4%…

    …the simple return of workers sidetracked by the pandemic doesn’t explain all the job gains on Biden’s watch, even though Trump has tried to make that case. Employment data through Biden’s first three years in office significantly exceeds where the workforce stood before the pandemic.

    Given that job creation was leveling off during Trump’s last few months in office, “it was not inevitable that we would get the huge bounceback we saw under Biden,” said Dean Baker, co-founder of the liberal Center for Economic and Policy Research. Biden’s American Rescue Plan, a pandemic recovery bill passed weeks after Biden took office, “was a huge deal here.”

    Another factor in the expanding labor market — though one that’s become a political two-edged sword — has been higher immigration rates under Biden. This has helped fuel the economy, according to analyses by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office and others, even as it lets critics discuss chaos at the border.

    Biden has emphasized the growth of manufacturing jobs when touting bills he’s signed into law, including the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the CHIPS and Science Act, and the Inflation Reduction Act.

    The data shows that manufacturing jobs have grown by about 6.5% since Biden took office. Trump ranks second at 3.4%, followed by Clinton at 2.5%. Three years into their terms, Obama and Bush had both overseen losses in manufacturing jobs.

  8. 4 days ago on Working Daze

    Long-term growth, but short-term volatility.

    That’s why most financial advisors will suggest gradually moving investments away from stocks towards more stable investment (albeit slower growth) instruments like T-bills and the like as retirement approaches.

  9. 4 days ago on Rudy Park

    Growth of executive compensation has far outstripped that of wage-earners.

    Corporate governance is focused on suppressing labor costs & worker wages, to prioritize stock value growth.

    Tax cuts (like in 2017) promoted by Republican lawmakers favor large corporations and the wealthiest of residents over wage-earners.

    Capital gains (non-wage investment income) is taxed at much lower rates than wage income.

    Corporations with large, at or close to minimum wage workforces (think Walmart, McDonalds) incorporate reliance on public assistance programs like Medicare and SNAP food assistance into their busness models, while resisting efforts to raise the minimum wage, creating a permanent underclass and de facto public subsidies to their private businesses.

  10. 4 days ago on Rudy Park

    Sorry, Pumpkin, but since President Biden took office, ALL the job loss due to Covid has been reversed, and more job growth than what occurred during Trump.

    Business Insider, 5 Aug 2022:

    “The US has now regained all the jobs it lost in the pandemic”

    “- The US has recouped all of the jobs it lost during the coronavirus recession.

    - The rebound took 29 months, nearly three times faster than the recovery from the Great Recession.

    - Unemployment also sits at the same 3.5% rate the US boasted in early 2020."