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  1. about 1 hour ago on Arlo and Janis

    Yet, Janis’ hands remain idle, while she orders Arlo around.

  2. about 1 hour ago on B.C.

    We don’t all feel that way. I would disagree with the views you list.

    That’s a fair point. I have read some things from less radical Democrats. I’m not a fan of Fetterman, but he did come out in full support of Israel, so for that I can have a bit of respect for him.

    Unfortunately, when discussing groups of people, Democrat, Republican, NRA, Planned Parenthood, Hamas or so many others, the individuals is assumed to hold the views of the group, until they speak up.

    Fair or not, who’s to say?

  3. about 2 hours ago on B.C.

    Do you have any proof of your comment The only “proof” you’ll accept is the lies and disinformation that supports your treason.

    The proof is, unlike the lies told by Schiff, in plain sight, even the liberal media has aired some. They’re starting to turn on the Dictator and Thief Bribem.

    You won’t accept any truth posted, the only thing you believe are the lies told to you by your Chinese handlers.

    It’s cute, you asking for “proof” when all you’ve done is spew hate filled lies and talking points while offering no proof, no facts, no evidence. Asking for proof, especially for things that are easily found, is the last sputtering attempt for a person to sound relevant and intelligent.

  4. about 2 hours ago on B.C.

    you drank the entire jug of kook aid

    Do you even know what that references, other than the sugar laden, fruit flavored magic elixir you use to attract under age children to your decripit windowless van?

  5. about 16 hours ago on B.C.

    Spoken like a true radical right-wing nut. AKA, Americans

  6. about 17 hours ago on B.C.

    It’s cute, you calling Republicans “Nazis”, which party has a good number calling for the eradication of the Jews and Israel? Which “President” donated billions to Iraq and released numerous high raking Islamic terrorists, about a month before the Israel terrorist attack?

    Which member of which party publicly stated that the U.S. will BOW BEFORE SOMOLIA and swore her allegiance to Somolia?

    Which party members are chanting “Death to Israel” and “Death to America” and “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be FREE”?

    But it’s the party who’s supporting our NATO ally who are the “Nazis”?

  7. about 17 hours ago on B.C.

    Yes, Trump did say those words, at least if you choose to believe Pravda Broadcasting Stateside (PBS), National Propaganda Radio (PBS), China Broadcasting Stateside (CBS) and the rest of the treasonous liberal media.

    Even John Bolton, by no means a Trump supporter, refuted those lies spewed by the liberal media.

    You can choose to believe those who have constantly lied to you, or not. Your choice, but your lies, no matter how often repeated will become the truth.

  8. about 22 hours ago on B.C.

    More contemporarily, what is the difference between the mostly peaceful protesters at the Capitol on Jan 6th and the radical terrorist BLM attacks across the country in 2020, or the insurrections on college campuses calling for the eradication of the Jewish race and Israel and in support of Iran and Hamas?

  9. 1 day ago on B.C.

    Just a comment please! Not a phd dissertation!

    It’s cute that you think that his mindless, hate filled, rant rises to the level of a PHD dissertation (unless you’re using PHD as Piled Higher and Deeper)

  10. 1 day ago on B.C.

    For now, but convicting Trump on trumped up charges in a Democrat run city was like convicting a black man in the Democrat run rural south.

    A corrupt judge, a corrupt persecutor, a low intelligence and biased jury, and the “testimony” of a prostitute and convicted perjurer

    Every conviction of his will be overturned and all you traitors are proving is that 1) Dementia Joe can’t win in a fair election (thus the lawfare) and 2) that you’ve reduced America to a Banana Republic. You’ve destroyed any credibility the U.S. has overseas, including with our allies.

    Do you honestly think (not that a liberal does anything honestly, it’s not in your nature, nor do you think) that any of our NATO allies are going to trust us (especially with a Democrat in office) after Traitor Joe gave billions in dollars and dozens of high ranking terrorists to a state sponsor of terrorism, who shortly after that infusion of money and men, attacked Israel, raping, torturing and murdering women and children, then refuses to support our NATO ally and instead gives aid and comfort to our collective enemies?