
shanen0 Free

Pure solutions researcher. It's not a real problem unless there's a solution approach, but it isn't a personal problem unless I can do something to advance a solution. So there.

Recent Comments

  1. 11 days ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    That’s not funny for some folks who family lives as children weren’t so good. However I think the bigger deep thought is that the illusion of “private castles” drives much of the American (and world) economy. We human beings are actually social animals and didn’t evolve in an environment with so much privacy. Actually I suspect too much privacy is the main cause of increasing mental illness. And it links back to children who suffer from inexperienced parents whose mistakes are never seen and even corrected by neighbors (or even grandparents).

  2. 12 days ago on Tank McNamara

    They have a fake problem. No amount of money will solve their need for more—but the suckers have lost interest. Fine with me if golf goes away. (Actually I’d be unlikely to notice the change.)

  3. 19 days ago on Doonesbury

    Okay, I acknowledge that stuff is kind of weird. However I’m not surprised that the orange puppet lacks the creativity to create a new religion and call himself Pope or whatever. John Smith called himself a prophet, I think, but what title did Elron claim? Or more like the Witnesses with lawn signs?

  4. 19 days ago on Doonesbury

    I can’t thank you any more. So NAK. Next are the snores.

  5. 20 days ago on Doonesbury

    I think that’s actually a different problem than the one Trudeau is addressing. Players at the game of politics have long track record of “investing” in the cheapest politicians to rig the game in their favor. Indirectly related insofar as the rules help the corporate cancers dominate their various niches.

  6. 20 days ago on Doonesbury

    It’s actually part of a more general problem in post-capitalist America. Competing for honest profits stopped being adequate a long time ago. The orange puppet isn’t actually smart enough to play the game, but the puppeteers pick the suckers for him while considering what kind of BS he’s going to spew. As it applies to the largest corporate cancers, they try to pick the most profitable customers. That’s where the big profits are and then they buy out the little companies.

    You don’t want to be an “aggressive” shopper like you’re truly. You’ll be in for a whole lot of frustration. Recent example involves smartphone batteries…

  7. 20 days ago on Doonesbury

    NAK but confirming NAK. Shallow to the point of stupidity.

    So thanks again. The prosecution has no further questions.

  8. 21 days ago on Bloom County

    Don’t get the reference to the Count.

  9. 21 days ago on Doonesbury

    Look at the comments. Starting with your own. But if you think you can’t take an impartial view of your own, then you can go with the random sample.

    Or perhaps I should suggest you visit more websites? However I think the best discussions are basically inaccessible, lost in the past and forgotten. Many of the participants are even deceased… In terms of dating you, do you even know what usenet was? I’ve already put a date on myself.

    I actually think there are a number of factors that affect the quality of discussions. The features are relevant, but not determinative.

  10. 22 days ago on Tank McNamara

    Sorry, but I don’t know much about baseball. Is this a reference to a specific player?

    (My wife is upset that Ohtani’s stolen money is unlikely to be recovered from the bookie who guided the swindle.)