
robertthomasson Free

UK writer, dog lover, astrophysicist and cook.

Recent Comments

  1. 1 day ago on Clay Bennett

    And you hold these views? Were you playing with the crayons at the back of class?

  2. 1 day ago on Clay Bennett

    Your interpretation of it, yes. But your interpretation is wrong.

    Unlike you, I suspect, I actually studied it… in a British school in the 1970s, along with your other founding documents.

  3. 1 day ago on Clay Bennett


  4. 1 day ago on Clay Bennett

    In a democracy, that is, by definition, fascism. The majority are always right. That is, as you said, the will of the people. In your country and mine, the majority think that the government should tax and spend wisely, the only quibble comes with where it is spent and how much.

    Your argument here boils down to: this is mine, the goooverment can’t take it. Wrong, the people have spoken. You have to have some of your wealth taken, as I do, to pay for the bedrock of the society you want to live in. Roads, sewers, defence, care for the elderly and less fortunate, etc. Suck it up.

  5. 1 day ago on Clay Bennett

    I don’t recall any of the sensible people commenting here saying comments of Hunter are verboten.

    My opinion, shared by many, is he is a very naughty boy, a flawed man, deeply hurting, who has clawed his way back with the help of Joe – Dad of the Year – and is answering the perfectly legitimate charges brought against him.

    I think the deal he initially struck with the authorities was appropriate for a first time offender who was cooperating, but I see the hidden hand of an Orange Felon in the prosecution hidden in the woodwork pushing the scales of justice the wrong way. I expect him to actually beat the rap in court, as it hinges on was he on drugs at the time, which is in serious doubt.

  6. 1 day ago on Mike Luckovich

    Beat me to it, I posted much the same above.

  7. 1 day ago on Mike Luckovich

    I thought it was Margorie Toddler Green.

  8. 1 day ago on Clay Bennett

    Making Jail Great Again!

  9. 1 day ago on Clay Bennett

    Or use a fire hose first.

  10. 2 days ago on Clay Bennett

    The one at the back about to measure his whale sized belly is thinking: need to get a bigger tape.