2002 at saratoga springs oct 2013

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  1. 4 days ago on Doonesbury

    Above you say:

    “I bet he is working with Elon to make a robot AI version of himself.”

    Wouldn’t that be an AUI?

    (U for Un.)

    Is that next-of-kin to DUI?

  2. 4 days ago on Non Sequitur

    Above you say “Generally, they assume it’s HRC or Obama.”

    Or George Soros. I suspect all three are living rent-free in MAGAt’s brains.

  3. 4 days ago on Doonesbury

    Love your idea of making the Yam and his sprouts a “shadow” cabinet. They all live in that kind of world anyway, so it would let them live out their nightmarish dreams without actually inflicting any damage on the saner elements of society.

  4. 4 days ago on Doonesbury

    That’s unlikely to deter Burgum, Rubio, Scott, Abbott, et. al. They seem to share a conviction that they’d never need to do anything as “traitorous” as Pence did — and anyway, it would be the highest-level supreme honor to be tapped by the Messiah for Morons as a veep nominee. The fact that it would simultaneously be the kiss of political death and the highest-possible level of ignominy in their careers is an intellectual hurdle they can’t comprehend.

  5. 11 days ago on Doonesbury

    Above you wrote “My comment was actually an attempt to indicate that just because someone is of a lower social stratum that does not mean they can’t be smart, or well educated, even if that education isn’t considered official.”

    I’ll add a personal example in support of your point: My father grew up on a small dairy farm (herd of about a dozen milk cows), and there were no spare funds for him to attend college after he graduated from high school. He got a job as a butcher right out of high school, joined the Army during World War II, and after discharge made his living as a traveling route salesman, then as a self-taught electrician. In spite of lacking a formal education beyond high school, he worked the Sunday New York Times crossword puzzles in flawless fashion, challenging himself to do only the across clues or only the down clues – usually he was successful in less than an hour. Then he’d tackle the Sunday Times double-crostic, for which he never used any references. He’d sit in his favorite chair in the living room and silently think his way through the puzzle. I’ve got two graduate degrees from major universities and I can’t come even remotely close to those performance standards.

  6. 11 days ago on Doonesbury

    In response to your comment above, where you say “Do you know with what crimes you are going to charge him?”

    It’ll probably be the crime of disagreeing with an obviously senile, demented, congenital liar who fancies himself as a porn star.

  7. 17 days ago on B.C.

    I’ve been reading B.C. and Wizard of Id for years, and had never noticed that both were created by Johnny Hart. Just goes to show me that I’ve never had much of eye for detail, I guess.

  8. 25 days ago on Doonesbury

    Very nice equivalence, matching Vesuvius against Citizens United.

  9. 25 days ago on Doonesbury

    The “major poles” are “North” and “South”. The “minor poles” are “East” and “West”.

  10. 25 days ago on Doonesbury

    There are several comments above relating to Agent Orange stiffing his attorneys or the attorneys working “pro bunco” for him. That overlooks what the New York Times reported earlier this year – that through a variety of financial transactions, the yam has been using political donations to pay the lawyers.

    See https​://​www​.nytimes.​com​/​interactive/​2024/03/27/us​/politics/​trump-cases-legal-fund.​html