
franki_g Free

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  1. about 18 hours ago on Pearls Before Swine

    if you WANT to get out of bed.

    and hopefully that will be up to you.

  2. about 19 hours ago on Mike Beckom

    I apologize on their behalf.When I was in youth group, we were taught to “witness”, and told that n Judgement day that the “lost” would point at us and say Why didn’t you tell me?

    Witnessing was CYA and guilt induced.

    But some are truly overwhelmed -it is life changing. And if it was someone who won the lottery you might expect them to be very excited and talk of nothing else. Doesn’t mean it’s okay to invade your space with it though.

  3. about 19 hours ago on Mike Beckom

    “The kids who are dumb enough to become “indoctrinated” must have parents who failed to teach them critical analysis "back in the day of Sun Yung Moon, Hari Khrisna (American version) and other “popular cults”, there was a report that the young people most likely to be sucked in were good students. They’d obeyed all their life and done what was expected, and when they suddenly found themselves with some freedom – didn’t know how to handle it so having someone tell them what to do seemed natural. Their cults were different – the kids were initially loved on but then never left alone or allowed to sleep which made indoctrination easy. It was extremely predatory. I’m not sure any of us could have withstood it.

  4. 6 days ago on Lisa Benson

    and would have addressed the southern border “crisis” if 45 hadn’t stomped his little foot b/c it’s more important to him to let it go on

    so that he can point fingers at it while he campaigns

    than solutions that benefit the nation. He has no concept of that being what a POTUS is supposed to do – it appears to be a literal get of of jail card to him.

  5. 6 days ago on Mike Beckom

    Kracklin’ Rosie get on board

  6. 6 days ago on Mike Beckom

    Tide pod challenge was 2018, they’ve graduated (or died).

    These young people have lived through a pandemic, they’re probably the least frivolous group of young people in my lifetime. Which is sad, youth should have some frivolity.

  7. 6 days ago on Non Sequitur

    It’s straight road, no even trees to obstruct the view so why aren’t they passing??

    I grew up in a tourist area with a lot of 2 lane roads and we got stuck behind slow RVs on our way to work, etc. We knew well just where and when to pass and this would be a no brainer.
  8. 6 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    My mom was a quadriplegic for the last 45 years of her life, she had been a concert violinist and the pastor said she was probably playing it in heaven, but I’m pretty sure it was dancing.

  9. 8 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Just avoid any poetry

  10. 8 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Don’t like bacon?

    I never sausage a comment, are you just try to egg us on? If so, omelet it go this time…