
Robert4170 Free

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  1. about 4 hours ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    I bet that since all three are fictional characters, one could write a scenario or scenarios where any one of them would win.

  2. about 7 hours ago on FoxTrot Classics

    Interesting that you should say that Brussels sprouts smell like farts. I’ve smelled a certain fruit (I think it’s guava) that literally smells like excrement.

  3. about 7 hours ago on FoxTrot Classics

    Interesting. That would help explain why I utterly loathe onions, but many people like them. It would also explain why I hate the taste of alcohol, but others like it.

  4. about 7 hours ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Calvin’s lack of fear would make no difference. He’d still get beat up. The only way his lack of fear would make a difference is if it gave him a fighting chance. But he has no chance.

  5. about 9 hours ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    There are rules against theft and murder. You think those rules are a “problem”?

  6. about 9 hours ago on Calvin and Hobbes
    “It reminds me of a reply that a reader gave to me when I recently quoted Bill Watterson as saying, “I suspect he’s more real than any kid could make up.” The reader replied that Watterson had been saying that he didn’t think Calvin would imagine a friend who argued with him yet Calvin and Hobbes often enjoy their arguments.”

    Watterson’s assumption was the entire basis for his “suspicion”. Here’s the ENTIRE quote, which you ALWAYS omit:

    WATTERSON: It would seem to me, though, that when you make up a friend for yourself, you would have somebody to agree with you, not to argue with you. So Hobbes is more real than I suspect any kid would dream up.

    WEST: Well, at the risk of getting into psychobabble, a lot of psychologists would say that children create imaginary friends to play out family dramas. So an argument can be just as much a part of an imaginary world as, you know, a sort of sentimental, gooey friendship can be.

    WATTERSON: Yeah, well, I would hope that the friendship between Calvin and Hobbes is so complex that it would transcend a normal fantasy.

    Watterson disproved his own assumption (and therefore his suspicion) by showing Calvin enjoying his fight with Hobbes. Since Calvin obviously would do something he enjoys, he WOULD dream up a friend who would argue with him. Watterson also admitted the friendship (not the strip) is a fantasy, the fantasy of a six year old boy.

  7. about 9 hours ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    There’s a huge difference between fans placing bets on a game and those IN the game placing bets on it.

  8. about 9 hours ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Of course that doesn’t matter. The fact is that Rose broke one of the cardinal rules in baseball, a rule he knew about and AGREED to. Being the arrogant prick that he is, he decided that it didn’t apply to him. He didn’t care about the integrity of the game.

  9. about 11 hours ago on Geech

    You’re disappointed that you can’t gaze upon Nadine??

  10. about 11 hours ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    You said nothing that remotely justifies a military draft. In fact, it’s the opposite. Why should people in this country be FORCED to serve “those who crave power and can act on those cravings”? It’s the draft that feeds the government war machine, not a volunteer army. The draft is unconstitutional, unnecessary, counterproductive, and a fundamental violation of “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness”, to quote that great phrase in the Declaration of Independence. There is no justification for it.