Rabbit hat

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The rabbit is all out of hats.

Recent Comments

  1. 1 minute ago on Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons

    “How it started … How it’s going … How it’s going to go” will not be with DJT up against a firing squad. It will be with DJT back in the Oval Office.

    $69 million in donations to Trump’s site since the verdict was read. And that was as of last night. GoTo DonaldJTrump dot com for the latest count.

    YAFDS! (Yet Another Failed Democrat Strategy). One that not even little George Soros Jr’s hedge fund money can fix.

  2. 13 minutes ago on Henry Payne

    Henry Payne published another cartoon before this one today. GoComics skipped the other one, and it was a doozy. You can see it at Townhall dot com. While you’re there, check out Margolis & Cox, who depict Old Slo Joe as a bro with an Afro pandering for Black votes.

  3. 18 minutes ago on Lisa Benson

    How well you follow the orders of Little George Soros Jr! Keep this up and you’ll be an MSM journalist before you know it!

  4. about 21 hours ago on Lisa Benson

    Democrats already did determine the verdict, just as they will determine the sentence. From the top down.

    Just why do you think that the case was first turned down by the Southern District, by the Election Commission, and by Alvin Bragg himself?

  5. about 21 hours ago on Lisa Benson

    >> fill in the blank

    Joe Biden

  6. about 22 hours ago on Ted Rall

    And while you’re at it, Biden staff, make sure that RFK Jr. doesn’t get Secret Service protection. What do you think he is, a Presidential candidate or something?

  7. about 22 hours ago on Lisa Benson

    And 27% of the $39 million that Trump supporters just contributed came from donors who had never contributed to Trump’s organization before. Translation for dimbulb liberals: “Trump now has 27% more base than he had before". And all from the Democrats’ decision to subvert our legal system just for the sake of winning one election.

    Here’s another hint for the clueless: It won’t be just one election.

  8. about 22 hours ago on Lisa Benson

    Sing, sang, sung. But thanks.

  9. about 23 hours ago on Lisa Benson

    In the first 10 hours after the verdict was announced, Trump’s donation site collected $39 million dollars US from enraged supporters. Most of these were in individual amounts less than $50, indicative of the large number of contributors it took to achieve that amount.

    Biden’s largest fundraising day was fawned over by breathless MSM Infobots the world over, but yielded less than $25 million. All of this was from the most wealthy of limousine liberal donors, who are probably getting pretty weary of him by now.

    If you’d like to contribute to your own future freedom at that of the next generation, it’s:

    DonaldJTrump dot com

  10. 1 day ago on Lisa Benson

    Trump’s donation site had to be temporarily shut down after the verdict because there were too many donations. Now it’s working again.

    YAGDSA! (Yet Another Great Democrat Strategy in Action)