Pig Out On 10 Delicious Bacon Day Comics
by The GoComics TeamIf you're sick of waiting for Bacon Day, congratulations -- you're cured! Get it? It's Bacon Day today, so you're cured? Hahahaha... *cough*
Sorry, we're a little bit woozy from pulling 10 sizzling bacon comics from our archives. You try looking at comics about bacon before lunch without entering an altered state of consciousness!
Whether or not you have immediate access to your bacon of choice (turkey and vegan options deliver a fatty, savory experience, too), we invite you to pig out on these 10 delicious comics on Bacon Day.
Calvin and Hobbes By Bill Watterson June 5, 1995
Pearls Before Swine By Stephan Pastis Aug 25, 2015
Breaking Cat News By Georgia Dunn Feb 15, 2016
F Minus By Tony Carrillo April 1, 2016
Garfield By Jim Davis July 24, 2014
Click "Next" for five more comics.