I like that the Rats will apparently be getting more development is this arc. There’s always been a bit of a mystery surrounding them.
Remember – they didn’t mutate like everybody else, but were already there from the beginning with guns, uniforms… and a plan to follow. It’s likely the work of Marx again, but there’s never been much detail about them aside from that.
Something else that caught my attention, while re-reading that might just be a coincidence:The name ‘Ben’ seems to pop up often in conversations between the Rats and it’s possibly a discreet way to establish a continuity of some sort.
I thought it stretches facts too much, but after this conversation about how wanting to ‘check out of here’ is NOT possible, I’m starting to think that there’s something literally preventing them from dying. Maybe a deal with Marx, guaranteeing them survival from the Apocalypse in exchange for their unwavering and UNDYING vigilance over Endtown.
We’ll have to wait and see, but it’s possible Ben might have been at Death’s door before.
I like that the Rats will apparently be getting more development is this arc. There’s always been a bit of a mystery surrounding them.
Remember – they didn’t mutate like everybody else, but were already there from the beginning with guns, uniforms… and a plan to follow. It’s likely the work of Marx again, but there’s never been much detail about them aside from that.
Something else that caught my attention, while re-reading that might just be a coincidence:The name ‘Ben’ seems to pop up often in conversations between the Rats and it’s possibly a discreet way to establish a continuity of some sort.
I thought it stretches facts too much, but after this conversation about how wanting to ‘check out of here’ is NOT possible, I’m starting to think that there’s something literally preventing them from dying. Maybe a deal with Marx, guaranteeing them survival from the Apocalypse in exchange for their unwavering and UNDYING vigilance over Endtown.
We’ll have to wait and see, but it’s possible Ben might have been at Death’s door before.