I’m still thinking back to Mom’s call to Bellevue yesterday.
Operator: “Wait, you’re worried about your husband hugging bears?”
Mom: “Well, these bears followed our Bear into the house and—”
Operator: “You have wild bears in your house?”
Mom: “Yes, our eight-year-old daughter is friends with a talking bear, and his friends—”
Operator: “Okay, stay right there and we’ll send an ambulance. In fact we’ll send two. And Animal Control. And Child Protective Services.”
I’m still thinking back to Mom’s call to Bellevue yesterday.
Operator: “Wait, you’re worried about your husband hugging bears?”
Mom: “Well, these bears followed our Bear into the house and—”
Operator: “You have wild bears in your house?”
Mom: “Yes, our eight-year-old daughter is friends with a talking bear, and his friends—”
Operator: “Okay, stay right there and we’ll send an ambulance. In fact we’ll send two. And Animal Control. And Child Protective Services.”