Peanuts by Charles Schulz for May 31, 1959
Charlie Brown and Lucy are crouched down on the ground over a kite. Lucy says, "I appreciate your letting me help you, Charlie Brown..I like to feel needed..."<br> <br> "I'll bet this kite will fly clear up to the clouds!" she announces. They stand up. She holds up the kite. Charlie Brown pulls on the kite string. "Well, we'll see..." he says.<br> <br> "OKAY...LET GO!" Charlie Brown runs, holding under the string. Lucy holds onto the kite.<br> <br> "IT'S UP! IT'S UP! YOU GOT IT UP, CHARLIE BROWN!" Lucy shouts as she looks up at the sky.<br> <br> "You got it up with MY help! Will you tell everyone that I helped you, Charlie Brown?" She clasps her hands together happily. Charlie Brown looks up at the sky and tugs ast the string.<br> <br> "Will you? Will you tell everybody that we were a team, Charlie Brown? That we worked together? Huh? Will you?" She asks as they watch the kite.<br> <br> They lean back as the string suddenly becomes loose.<br> <br> WHAM! The kite crashes to the ground. Charlie Brown and Lucy jump back.<br> <br> They stare at the broken kite. The string covers Charlie Brown.<br> <br> "I don't know you!" Lucy announces and walks away. Charlie Brown stands there, covered in string.<br> <br>
I just plain don’t enjoy flying kites.