I like drying my clothes on the line, although in the Northeast where I live, drying season is pretty limited! Only problem is, no matter how much fabric softener I use, the towels end up stiff as boards. I’ll have to try that tumble press technique, cause I HATE drying myself with a stiff towel!
As a medical professional I have these things to say:
OK, some of us probably suck, and some of us are awesome. Most of us are just trying to do a good job and not get sued.
DigitalFrog, your splinter removal technician sounded like a medical student doing his first clinical clerkship.
Anatomically, there is no green squiggly thing in the human body, so the patient will undoubtedly feel better without whatever that is in there.
prasrinivara says:
wshih24, you ever notice that the teachers in comic strips quite often have very unpleasant names (with equally unpleasant temperaments):
Miss Wormwood (of Calvin)
Miss Fungus (of Born Loser)
Miss Fishbreath (of Shoe)
Also, the Principal in Calvin has the name of “Spittle”.
-Not to mention Bart Simpson’s teacher, Ms. Krabappel.
BTW, back in my reckless college days our description of being that drunk was when you had to put one foot on the floor to keep from spinning out of bed!
Since the murder of Dr. Tiller I will say: Go Karma Go!!! Kick a$$ and take names, girl!!