buenos días y feliz martes=dienstag=tuesday=sábadog(3) locos
Almost forgot, had the shut off valve to the house’s water added to be closer to the house. But had plenty of bubble wrap for the nice men who had to dig up the yard.
I don’t do anything adventurous. Yesterday, I paid my property taxes and went out to lunch.
buenos días y feliz lunes=montag=monday=sábadog(2) loco – on vacation this week (and next). will say hello when I get the chance.
buenos días y feliz domingo=sonntag=sunday=sábadog(1) locos (not sure how I missed this)
I think you are correct.
buenos días y feliz caturday=sábado=samstag=saturday=sábado(7) locos
buenos días y feliz viernes=freitag=friday=sábadog(6) locos
and a goooooooos morning to you too luke
buenos días y feliz jueves=donnerstag=thursday=sábadog(5) locos
buenos días y feliz martes=dienstag=tuesday=sábadog(3) locos