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Recent Comments

  1. about 18 hours ago on Non Sequitur

    So, you’re arguing from the side of today’s Republican right-wing, where it is normal not to have a brain.

  2. 3 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Interesting that this strip is running on the same day that GoComics is running the rerun of Lynn Johnston’s “For Better or for Worse” strip in which their good old English Sheepdog “Farley” dies from exhaustion after saving their youngest daughter from drowning.

  3. 7 days ago on Reality Check

    Said no one ever.

  4. 9 days ago on Reality Check

    Well, Indiana Jones’s father was James Bond.

  5. 28 days ago on Ted Rall

    That is the stupidest thing you have EVER said, and believe me, you’ve said a few.

  6. 29 days ago on Ted Rall

    Joe Biden did NOT kill anyone in Gaza. Not a single person, nor could he have prevented any of those deaths. What the hell is WRONG with you?

  7. about 1 month ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Is this a documentary about Donald Trump as a child?

  8. about 1 month ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Everyone needs a day off once in a while.

  9. about 1 month ago on Reality Check

    The egg came first. Dinosaurs laid eggs.

  10. about 2 months ago on Liberty Meadows

    SPOILER ALERT: These strips are from years ago. Frank Cho doesn’t draw these anymore. But our hero never professes his love for Brandy until the very end when she is reluctantly getting engaged to some other guy despite her love for Frank (which was pretty much there from the start). When he finally does, Brandy cold-cocks him, furious that he didn’t tell her sooner. And then the strip ends and we never discovers how it turns out.