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For one, in the 1976 ppaerback “It’s a Long Way to Tipperary”(one of the Peanuts Parade series of books)
This strip actually has been reprinted several times in books over the years
agreed mbdot
this was 1 that was never reprinted until after schulz’ passing
does any comic deal with flag day today?
if patrrick’s so smart why did he bringa big underwater breathing apparatus to a wading pool the other day?
why woud patrick bring that apparatus to a wading pool?
The dog loooks like Salacious Crumb (to Garfield’s Jabba) (from “Return of the Jedi”)
Is top cat’s last animation-with the orange background-from an old Peanuts special?
Interesting thing about “Labyrinth”..the novel it’s based on has sort of a cult’s also out-of-print, and copies cost about $100 on ebay
For one, in the 1976 ppaerback “It’s a Long Way to Tipperary”(one of the Peanuts Parade series of books)