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  1. 3 days ago on Cul de Sac


  2. 3 days ago on Cul de Sac

    Maybe. We still haven’t entirely ruled out that Ernesto is a very vivid hallucination.

  3. 11 days ago on Home Free

    Milo’s parents and teacher should look into maladaptive daydreaming and get him some help.

  4. 18 days ago on Heart of the City

    They did?

  5. 26 days ago on Heart of the City

    Sympathy for Spielberg? Not really. I couldn’t care less about Spielberg. But I’m also acknowledging that he didn’t do something terrible. He made a good movie purely for entertainment purposes. Did that lead to some terrible things? Yes. Is he somewhat responsible for that? Maybe. Would I have liked for him to put money where his mouth is and donate some of his money to shark conservation? Definitely. But I don’t blame him even a fraction as much as the people actually doing those things. Disney’s 101 Dalmatians lead to thousands of Dalmatians ending up in shelters after people realized that they aren’t easy dogs. Generally speaking we tend to blame the stupidity of people on that, and not Disney. And I think that’s a good thing.

  6. 26 days ago on Wallace the Brave

    What I really like about WtB is that Wallace is a genuinely kind kid and that his parents are equally kind and support his eccentricities. So often the weird kid is portrayed as a real menace in the name of funny and at the same time set up against his overly square parents who would rather yell and be strict than get to the bottom of what is actually going on in the kid’s head.

  7. 26 days ago on Heart of the City

    I did, if you read my comment a bit further up.

  8. 26 days ago on Heart of the City

    That’s the reason he regrets it.

  9. 26 days ago on Heart of the City

    Ask his dad, it looks like. That was definitely not Dean’s responsibility. Dad messed up.

  10. 26 days ago on Heart of the City

    The problem is that he was super unrealistic about a super real species and not in a flattering way. The film changed public perception of sharks for generations. They are now seen as mindless man killers who will attack and kill people for no reason. The movie was responsible for a frenzy of trophy hunting, killing competitions etc. that wiped out pretty much the entire white shark population along the west coast of the US. Due to this change in perception shark fisheries and finneries can decimate the population unchallenged and often engage in very cruel practices because no one cares.

    The global shark population has declined by 70% since 1970 and yes, part of that is because we as humans are mindless kil*ers of everything we see beneath us (talk about irony), but it’s also because conservation efforts still have to fight against the public perception of sharks Jaws created.