
TheWildSow Free

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  1. about 4 hours ago on Jen Sorensen

    Oh, just wait a few weeks – the cicadas will drown ‘em out! I’m one of the fortunate souls who can sleep through leaf blowers AND cicadas (and I sleep with windows open and a ceiling fan once the weather is warm — no whole house air for this boomer, just a small window unit that I didn’t even bother to hook up last year.)

    Now if I could just count on waking up from an actual alarm, maybe I’d be on time for work more. I miss my human alarm clock so much (aka my Dearly Departed Husband.) Of course, I miss him for plenty of other reasons too. But I can just see him meeting up with my Dad in Heaven, and having a good laugh over my inability to become a morning person!

    “Gee, Mr. Mc….how hard was it to wake TWS up for school in the mornings??”

  2. about 5 hours ago on Jen Sorensen

    Need to queue up some Talking Heads in rebuttal! ;-)

  3. about 5 hours ago on Ted Rall

    If the spotted lanternflies aren’t there YET, give ‘em a year or 2! And they’ll be ridiculously all over the place for another 2 or 3 years, until the local birds and other predators figure out that those things are FOOD.

    Funny, the favorite food of the (invasive!) spotted lanternfly is the (invasive!) Tree of Heaven. So called because it takes an act of God to kill the darn thing!

    The Tree that grew in Brooklyn? Yep; Tree of Heaven.

  4. about 6 hours ago on Ted Rall

    LOL! Marking its territory, I guess!

    How many chickens do you have? My oldest daughter – who lives in a much more rural spot than I do – has a dozen hens and 4 ducks. I’ll never have to pay for eggs again. I had a coworker who had 30, and when he moved away a few years ago I considered buying 3 hens from him and having a backyard coop (I think I own just enough square footage for 3 hens to be legal in my city) – but I went over to visit a friend (another city girl!) who has hens and realized I DON’T want to do the work! Maybe when I retire in a few months….but I’ll probably just keep mooching off my kid ;-)
  5. about 8 hours ago on Ted Rall

    Huh. My state (Pennsylvania) went from THREE nesting bald eagle pairs in 1980 (well within my lifetime) to over THREE HUNDRED pairs now. I remember some years ago when the game commission did a fish survey of the Allegheny River and found ONE sad little fish. Now — enough fish to make the local anglers happy AND support the bald eagle population. We used to go miles out to the mountains hoping to spot a deer. I had 3 in the backyard this week. (so-called inner city! Oakland section of Pittsburgh!) When I bought my house (1987), I was surprised to see a groundhog in the yard one day. Now — bunches of ‘em. Same for the possums, wild turkeys, foxes — even saw a coyote a few weeks ago (first one I’ve seen around here in real life, although I’ve see plenty of photos.

    Again – -where the heck does Ted live?

  6. about 10 hours ago on Ted Rall

    Apparently putting a forward slash in ANY comment gets it flagged as a URL.

  7. about 10 hours ago on Ted Rall

    David Byrne & Talking Heads has a GREAT answer to that!

    And where the heck does Ted live?

  8. about 12 hours ago on FoxTrot Classics

    ♫♫♪ Sodium, sodium, sodium, sodium, sodium, sodium, sodium, sodium, sodium, sodium, sodium, sodium, sodium, sodium, sodium, sodium…..Batman! ♫♪

  9. 1 day ago on Frazz

    I also learned it as Eensy Weensy, but it seems to have become Itsy Bitsy by the time my kids were singing it.

  10. 2 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Bear with us….