♪♫♫ It’s the CIR-cle…
The Circle of LIFE….! ♪♫♫
Wait till tomorrow’s comic (I won’t spoiler ya though!)
I thought vampires never drink….wine.
Who’s the new little gray critter? Are they a possum?
“The business of America is business.” Calvin Coolidge
From the looks of the cabinet – er, junk drawer – nominations, we’ll be a kakistocracy.
Shedding comb – can be used for dogs or cats. I have one.
Maybe he’s Frosty the Pervert!
♪♫….was as glad as he could get…
Her threw away his corncob pipe
And lit a cigarette! … ♪♫
(You guys can find the rest on YouuTube if you’re interested.)
Yay, you’re back!
♪♫♫ It’s the CIR-cle…
The Circle of LIFE….! ♪♫♫