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Notjustany1 Free

Maine-iac living in Utah... married a McEldowney fan!

Recent Comments

  1. about 15 years ago on Barkeater Lake

    I’ve never read commments here because reading and commenting on just one is enough. But someone there mentioned that BL was going to end. Thanks for all the fun, I hope you will kind of tie up loose ends first. And I didn’t know you were a Mainer. It sure will be different for you in the Big Apple. I’ll have to give the other strips a chance. Thanks again!!!! Live long, Love and Prosper.

  2. over 15 years ago on Big Top

    DigitalFrog says;I have a theory on the time perception thing. I think the reason time seems to go by faster now than it did when we were little is proportions. When you are 10 years old, 1 year represents 10% of your lifespan (even more of your cognizant, since most don’t remember first 2 years). When you are 40, a year only represents 2.5% so it appears to be shorter when compared to the rest of your life experience. Do I know you!?!?! That sounds so much like stuff I’ve been saying for years. That is why when a parent says I’ll be there in 5 mins it’s an eternity to a child! So I’m much more patient. I’m glad to find someone who thinks like me!

  3. over 15 years ago on The Academia Waltz

    What an intelligent woman! I totally agree with her! A home run for B.Breathed!

  4. about 16 years ago on Barkeater Lake

    Thanks Nugget0 for telling me that you can click and drag! and to Roger, but not THAT one, the other one for the info on how to get to the website and more interestingly Corey’s blog. Fairsailing to you all and may the wenches all be willing!!