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  1. about 5 hours ago on Cathy Classics

    I have a feeling that even with all those ways to reach him, Irving rarely gets called or messaged or paged or faxed or . . .

    Wow, Friday already. That was a fast week. Let us hope the weekend is a little slower so we can all enjoy it.

  2. 2 days ago on Cathy Classics

    Like the pot calling the kettle black! Sorry Irving, but you are the one far less grounded than Cathy – and Cathy isn’t really grounded either.

    Enjoy this fine midweek day.

  3. 3 days ago on Cathy Classics

    Delusional and very insecure. A really bad combination. I think Irving went to the reunion to prove to himself that he is better than any of his classmates. With his power to bend reality he really did not need to go to the reunion. He could have imagined himself there.

    I could be delusional about the weather today but reality says it is cooler and wetter. Good for those fighting forest fires in our region (non close by but when the wind is right the moon is orange even when overhead).

    Enjoy this fine day – even if reality says you cannot.

  4. 4 days ago on Cathy Classics

    For some reason men are not supposed show their emotions – at least that is what we were taught long ago. As a result I have known a lot of outward ‘tough’ guys who were really scared and insecure inside. I hope they were successful anyway. I don’t know how many times in my life that people have laughed at me for crying at sad movies. Heck, I cry at happy occasions too. I was a 90’s guy way before the 90’s. Ah well, learning to ignore other peoples reactions to my emotions has allowed me to enjoy my life.

    Enjoy this fine Monday – even if you are lonely, scared, and insecure inside.

  5. 5 days ago on Andy Capp

    I think most of their furniture is rented – past strips has had the hire company repossessing it for non-payment – even with Andy still lying on he sofa.

  6. 5 days ago on Cathy Classics

    a sage is right – way TMI. If you can find out everything about him – including therapy breakthroughs what is left to talk about on your first date?

    It is a beautiful Sunday today. I managed to fell and cut up a tree that had broken off in one of the heavy windstorms earlier this year. That earned me a break to read Cathy. Now my wife wants me to dig up some roses and move them. Hmmm – is it ok if I ask for a sudden rain storm?

    Have a wonderful Sunday today.

  7. 6 days ago on Cathy Classics

    They do have something in common – they can both cause (◔_◔)(◔_◔). Wow, supper time on Saturday already – where did the day go?

    Have a fun weekend.

  8. 7 days ago on One Big Happy

    On my two trips (so far) to Iceland (one business the other pleasure) I was impressed with the people, the land, and the food. I recall having to make programming changes to our application as I was installing it because texting was a big thing in Iceland way before it was a thing here on this side of the pond. I thought the biggest thing was free post secondary education to all residents – so long as you speak Icelandic. I figured Iceland is a country that knows how to be successful. Looking forward to our next trip.

  9. 7 days ago on Cathy Classics

    And neither one of them realizes they look just like the other guy – right down to the shorts, devices, and paunch. Funny how some mirrors don’t reflect what you really look like. Wait, mine is like that too – it shows an old, almost bald guy when I look in the mirror and that cannot possibly be me.

    Hey, it is Friday again. Let us all enjoy it.

  10. 10 days ago on Cathy Classics

    Wow. Talk about focusing on he wrong thing. I remember being called a lot of things back in high school (weird was one of them – probably the most accurate) but I refused to let those words affect me. I just considered the source. It turned out, as we heard long after high school, that many of the jocks and cheerleaders actually were a little jealous of us – we, a bunch of loners that hung together, had much better parties than they did. Probably because we had nothing to prove to anyone about who we were.

    Another hot day today but since I have at least a week of work to catch up on (all from being away two work days) I am here in the cool basement enjoying it. Enjoy your day too.