The mind is like an umbrella. It functions best when open. Walter Gropius
Those who want a piece of us should remember that it was an American who wrote about retribution:
“…to the last I grapple with thee; from hell’s heart I stab at thee; for hate’s sake I spit my last breath at thee.”
With my apologies to the Brits for hijacking their rhyme…
Remember, remember the eleventh of September
Airplanes, murder and plot.
I see no reason why twin towers
Should ever be forgot…
True, but a real person would probably have already stepped back a bit from Tyr (and Bruda). I know I would. ;^)
Good Catch!
I wonder if they will explore some fjords?
Thanks! That was great!
Well, that’s another variation on taking care of the family jewels!
I had not heard of that before, and looked it up.
Say, I wonder if I could arrange for my cremains to be used for Ash Wednesday…
Nice homage guys!
About the time I first saw Star Wars, I saw him in “The Cay” on TV, I was much impressed with him.
Reading his obituary, while his voice was a great thing, he was a very good actor in so many different roles.
Now we know from whence the expression “eye teeth” came.
Those who want a piece of us should remember that it was an American who wrote about retribution:
“…to the last I grapple with thee; from hell’s heart I stab at thee; for hate’s sake I spit my last breath at thee.”