Sigh! I remember The Good Old Days, when life was so much simpler. It was just…
Run, run, as fast as you can.
You can’t catch me! I’m a Gingerbread Man!
… Now, everything is so much more complicated what with the New Chase Technology—drone spatulas with targeting sensors; cluster stand-off directed bomblets; even hunter-killer robo-Birds-of-Prey.
Does it even matter if I “run” anymore?!
But…I’m a pro. So here I am, still giving it the old ginger try!
Scratch two brothers. Evidently someone has a serious grudge.
It should be clear enough, but apparently isn’t for some, that in the throw-away panel [next to “Minit Mysteries…”] Officer Delcher is wearing her protective gloves and is not “mis-handling” the evidence!
The classical art work today is great, particularly the Tracy action panels (last two)….
Hey, kiddo! I’d love to go with you to yama yama llama land, BUT after a massive failure in trying to read your first panel, I have realized that I don’t speak llama and would only impede your getting your head Right! Good luck with that….
Haplessly late Anniversaire!
And besides, that double-assed creature ain’t no Anton Karas (go see The Third Man on YoubeeTubee if necessary)….