I just don’t see how normal American citizens can be behind the Republican Party. The ‘just say no’ obstructionism they are doing has vertually stalled the
recuperation of our country. How many lives have they
ruined by blocking bills that would have created jobs?
senor, the Republicans have sold their souls to big business and have totally brainwashed their flock through
FNC and most talk radio so for them, what you say does not compute
Hope you run for office some day senorbullwinkle, your
assessment for making your vote count is right on. One
vote for the 3rd party is putting the Republicans one vote
P.S. If you ever do run for office, use Bullwinkle with your logo so we will know who to vote for.
Right-on senorbullwinkle, there is hope! As an angry old white male it is a great relief to hear that our youth is getting
behind this election, it is YOUR FUTURE. My ‘hope’ is that we can kick those obstructionist elephant b*ards out of the senate. No telling how many jobs have been delayed and peoples lives put on hold by the fillabustering and pigeon-holing that they have done. Encourage all that you know to VOTE.
I just don’t see how normal American citizens can be behind the Republican Party. The ‘just say no’ obstructionism they are doing has vertually stalled the recuperation of our country. How many lives have they ruined by blocking bills that would have created jobs?