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  1. over 15 years ago on Pat Oliphant

    Toyota doesn’t need to lay off workers because they have the convenience of hundreds of their employees DYING FROM OVERWORK every year. Please google the words “Toyota you don’t know” and read the National Labor Committee’s report on Toyota’s multiple labor abuses. Chances are your precious Camrys and Priuses were built by someone who’s now dead and half his overtime wasn’t paid.

  2. over 15 years ago on Pat Oliphant

    NASCAR uses about 2 million gallons of fuel in a year. But all of us unnecessarily waste more than twice that amount every day.

  3. over 15 years ago on Pat Oliphant

    NoFearPup said: Oh I’m sorry I didn’t mean to remind anyone about the bad-guys. They don’t care who runs “The Great Satan.”

    They’ll probably care if the person running this country actually decides to hunt them down and catch them, which the departing administration chose not to do for the past seven years. Don’t remind us about the bad guys - remind the neo-cons, especially that they’re in Pakistan, NOT IRAQ.