
Mephistopheles Free

Industrious, Intelligent and Independent

Comics I Follow

Win, Lose, Drew

Win, Lose, Drew

By Drew Litton
Mike Lester

Mike Lester

Jen Sorensen

Jen Sorensen

Joe Heller

Joe Heller

Rebecca Hendin

Rebecca Hendin

Phil Hands

Phil Hands

Matt Bors

Matt Bors

Bloom County 2019

Bloom County 2019

By Berkeley Breathed
In Security

In Security

By Bea R.
Imagine This

Imagine This

By Lucas Turnbloom
Heart of the City

Heart of the City

By Steenz
The Adventures of Business Cat

The Adventures of Business Cat

By Tom Fonder
Adult Children

Adult Children

By Stephen Beals
Calvin and Hobbes

Calvin and Hobbes

By Bill Watterson
For Better or For Worse

For Better or For Worse

By Lynn Johnston


By Harry Bliss
FoxTrot Classics

FoxTrot Classics

By Bill Amend


By Bill Amend


By Jim Davis


By Allison Garwood
Non Sequitur

Non Sequitur

By Wiley Miller


By Allison Barrows


By Brooke McEldowney
Pibgorn Sketches

Pibgorn Sketches

By Brooke McEldowney
Bound and Gagged

Bound and Gagged

By Dana Summers
Lalo Alcaraz

Lalo Alcaraz

Nick Anderson

Nick Anderson

Clay Bennett

Clay Bennett

Lisa Benson

Lisa Benson

Steve Benson

Steve Benson

Chip Bok

Chip Bok

Chris Britt

Chris Britt

Steve Breen

Steve Breen

Jeff Danziger

Jeff Danziger

Matt Davies

Matt Davies

Bob Gorrell

Bob Gorrell

Walt Handelsman

Walt Handelsman

Clay Jones

Clay Jones

Kevin Kallaugher

Kevin Kallaugher

Steve Kelley

Steve Kelley

Mike Luckovich

Mike Luckovich

Gary Markstein

Gary Markstein

Jim Morin

Jim Morin

Jack Ohman

Jack Ohman

Pat Oliphant

Pat Oliphant

Michael Ramirez

Michael Ramirez

Marshall Ramsey

Marshall Ramsey

Ted Rall

Ted Rall

Joel Pett

Joel Pett

Drew Sheneman

Drew Sheneman

Dana Summers

Dana Summers

Scott Stantis

Scott Stantis

Gary Varvel

Gary Varvel



By Cartoon Movement-US


By Cartoon Movement-US


By Cartoon Movement-US


By Cartoon Movement-US


By Cartoon Movement-US


By Cartoon Movement-US
Tom Toles

Tom Toles



By Cartoon Movement-US
Views of the World

Views of the World

By Cartoon Movement-US
John Deering

John Deering

Daddy's Home

Daddy's Home

By Tony Rubino and Gary Markstein
Home and Away

Home and Away

By Steve Sicula
Last Kiss

Last Kiss

By John Lustig
Jane's World

Jane's World

By Paige Braddock
9 Chickweed Lane

9 Chickweed Lane

By Brooke McEldowney


By Greg Evans and Karen Evans
Liberty Meadows

Liberty Meadows

By Frank Cho
Angry Little Girls

Angry Little Girls

By Lela Lee


By Jack Pullan
Brewster Rockit

Brewster Rockit

By Tim Rickard
C'est la Vie

C'est la Vie

By Jennifer Babcock
Domestic Abuse

Domestic Abuse

By Jeremy Lambros
F Minus

F Minus

By Tony Carrillo


By Charles Schulz
Over the Hedge

Over the Hedge

By T Lewis and Michael Fry
Ripley's Believe It or Not

Ripley's Believe It or Not

By Ripley’s Believe It or Not!
Shirley and Son Classics

Shirley and Son Classics

By Jerry Bittle
Frog Applause

Frog Applause

By Teresa Burritt
Ozy and Millie

Ozy and Millie

By Dana Simpson
Rose is Rose

Rose is Rose

By Don Wimmer and Pat Brady

Recent Comments

  1. over 7 years ago on Clay Jones

    Well Said Interventor – These Liberal Losers will whine and snivel for the next four years. But Gorsuch will be around for a long time. He looks, to me, like an excellent replacement for Justice Scalia

  2. almost 8 years ago on Gary Varvel

    @Night-Gaunt and indirectly MR_Sherman (The abomination called Obamacare for one). Before Obama came to office My wife and I had good health care at a high but reasonable cost. Thanks to Obamacare which forced Insurance carriers to take on a lot of expensive and sick people; my services have been diminished and my costs have skyrocketed.

    The EPA’s war on corporations has affected me directly and indirectly. By making it harder for corporations to do business in this country the EPA drove out jobs which lowers wages for all (Supply and Demand) and forced the government to carry many more people on the unemployment rolls. Meaning the tax dollars going to the government were spent on entitlement programs rather than improving infrastructure and making our workers more productive and thus more competitive.

    Quashing Pipeline infrastructure jobs – I know you believe the Governments self serving assessment that it would only create a few jobs for a few years but those of us who sell services and equipment to the industry know that it was going to cost a lot of jobs in the sectors once and twice removed from the oil industry.

    I can go on and on but the point is Trump is doing a great job as far as I and my friends and family are concerned. He’s just getting started but he is focusing the government on issues it SHOULD be concerned with i.e. Making sure America is competitive in the world (economically and elsewise).

    I say it again God Bless Trump!!!!

    and May Obama find Suffering and Misery on whatever plane of Hell he resides when his judgement comes due :) I’m guessing the eighth or ninth based on my reading of Dante.

  3. almost 8 years ago on Gary Varvel

    Mikema50 – Let’s examine that claim. Our American Democracy was built on the concept of Freedom of thought, choice, religion, association, creed etc. Over the last 8 years Mr. Obama by Executive Order and with the collusion of the Democrat led congress during the first 2 years created an enormous number of regulations and rules that deprived me and adults like me of liberties, freedom, and hard earned money (through taxes).

    Along comes Mr. Trump who is working hard to eliminate a lot of those regulations and restrictions and to restore Freedoms to citizens. Taking power away from Government and returning it to the people. Looks to me like he is doing everything to undo the Anti-American Anti-Democratic work of Obama and the Democratic led congress.

    You just don’t like it because the power of government to take and destroy will be greatly diminished if the Republicans are successful. Freedom loving, hard working citizens like me will love it if the government is forced to live within it’s means and within the confines of the constitution. We will thrive while the takers and losers in society will be forced to go out and get jobs and live like adults.

    God Bless President Trump!!!!!

  4. almost 8 years ago on Ted Rall

    I don’t necessarily believe they SHOULD, I’m just trying to understand why I would care. Thanks to the Patriot Act (A horrid piece of knee-jerk legislation). That information has been collected for years. If it improves the consumer experience than I say Great!!! If it is used in nefarious ways they can make changes to the law. What is it you are worried about? Maybe I’m not seeing some danger that’s lurking out there.

  5. almost 8 years ago on Ken Catalino

    I’m not sure how you think this is motivated by a frail ego. My comments were motivated with an abject weariness of this made up problem.

  6. almost 8 years ago on Gary Varvel

    The Democrats are paying for hitching their wagon to that Hag Hillary. Elections have consequences and now that the Nuclear option is being used against them they are pissing and moaning like a bunch of 8 year-olds. Oh this is so much fun!!!!

  7. almost 8 years ago on Ted Rall

    So what?!? Amazon et. al. have been using cookies to track our interests for years and it hasn’t caused the collapse of the free world. At its best it gives the consumer a tailored advertisement experience which eliminates a lot of adds that are of little interest. At worst it allows the buyer to see where you browsed. I don’t really worry about anyone seeing where I have been browsing so why should I care?

  8. almost 8 years ago on Jim Morin

    Elections have consequences Dems!!!! He’s going to be confirmed, Deal with it. It will be even more fun when another Lib retires or passes away. Soon the Democrats won’t be able to command America with the Fiat of the Bench.

  9. almost 8 years ago on Glenn McCoy

    The Democrats were Whiney and cranky when they had their beloved Obama in office because things just weren’t moving fast enough. It is ever so much fun to see them come unglued as some of the crap they tried to pull is rescinded. Having Trump in the Whitehouse is like having Christmas every day!!!! 4 more years!!! 4 more years!!!!

  10. almost 8 years ago on Ken Catalino

    This is sooo much Crap. It stinks of liberals looking for some way to blame the white male patriarchy for their failure to succeed. It is predicated on the assumption that all jobs are performed by doing a set of rote tasks and that men and women can do them equally well. In my experience Men and Women do equally well in promotions and pay when all things are kept equal. Unfortunately, in our society, more often than not much of the child rearing falls to the woman which means she is out of the office more (maternity leave, taking sick days, etc.) Employers notice that and when raises and promotions are handed out it gets noticed.

    And to be clear its not because they are evil or uncaring. But everyone has a boss and supervisors and managers have to show productivity too. The man (or woman) that is getting things done and not worrying about whats going on at home is far more productive.