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a minotaur has human legs – he is the human half of both creatures
I know what CBD oil is – what is CDB? A generic knockoff?
The Rhode Island School of Design’s Hockey Team are called The Nads with other sports having equally colorful names.
is the cat supposed to be plugged in? where is the lamp plugged in then?
@#$% spelling error!
uh – the way it is drawn the car would only stay on one side. A mobius strip has a twist so there are no “sides”.
3/4 of the panels are draw with the people on the wrong side!
I think the colorist dropped the ball on this one
I think that left boot must be a little squishy with all the water that got in.
Wow – this is really cold for one artist to criticize another!
a minotaur has human legs – he is the human half of both creatures