The genius of this is that Luca could claim that Margot is in every panel in her “Invisible Man/Future Expectations” costume, and we’d just have to take his word for it.
“That’s right, my gal Marie totally CLEANED UP when it came to Nobel Prizes! You know how many Nobel Prizes she won? Two! You know how many Nobel Prizes most people win? None! That’s right; eat your hearts out, you non-Nobel Prizewinning non-Marie Curies! …Also, it’s pretty close to Halloween, so all the costume shop had was Sexy French Maid or Sexy Zombie. It was a coin flip, really.”
What does it say about me that I mistook that black shelf above Andy’s laptop for the business end of a gun? Probably that I need to get some sleep. Yeah.
I’m with Leroy on this one. Cleaning a window can be a real pane.