Eating disorders in teenagers are usually more to do with body image than “post-abortion behavior.”
The d;o) emoticon is wearing a cap. Hope it’s Milford, not MAGA.
Yeah, the “punching down” variety.
She’s going there to watch Kip’s tight end.
When they met, Gene described her hair as the color of freshly-baked bread.
Oh yeah, I saw that op-ed too. It didn’t take into account the systematic record-keeping since the 19th Century. Oopsy.
Guess I’ll take the word of a rando Internet commenter over that of the people who systematically keep track of things.
That’s not the long view, that’s denial.
Cars definitely make us dumb. There are things we do that are harmless and aren’t stupid unless it’s done in a car, which magnifies the impact.
If we stick with comics instead of video games, Alan Moore had a Queegueg’s coffee shop in League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.
Eating disorders in teenagers are usually more to do with body image than “post-abortion behavior.”