Spoiler: Not Wonk. And, he’s going to regret not taking better care of his health.
I remember an old Galloping Gourmet joke about woks. The Malay word for wok is kuali. So, the capital of Malaysia should be called Kuali Lumpur because of all the woks that are found there.
Leaving your silver age foot care to a podiatrist is one of the advantages of medical insurance.
Oh, right, Bismark is the other one.
60 years later, I think that we can safely say that New Math was a bust.
Happy Anniversary!
Discretion is the better part of valor!
Giant and CVS didn’t have the pocket calendar I wanted, so I ordered it from Amazon.
Kookie, Kookie, lend me your comb!
Nice to see you stretch your talents!
Spoiler: Not Wonk. And, he’s going to regret not taking better care of his health.