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I like how indifferent the cat remains.
Aw, pumpkin!
I love the look on Dean’s face in the first panel! He’s so excited to learn about not liking the book…
Stinklines! Oh, man! I love me a good stinklines joke!
That must be your favourite question, Tom.
No, seriously, what’s with the mysterious man by the tree? Don’t leave us hanging!
Don’t know where else to put this, but I saw Mr. Gammill on Curb last weekend. How was it to be back on the set of Seinfeld? (Great acting, by the way!)
Surely that’s not the way to juggle seven balls…
Just last week, even…
Three-quarter view of Snoopy’s doghouse even, you don’t see that very often…
I like how indifferent the cat remains.