comic/tracy fan
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Gotta wonder why there are no bomb sniffing cats, cats for the blind, service cats, etc. etc. etc.
I’m waiting for a crossover with Dick Tracy, you know, the one Gould created
Where’s that chap who can predict the future of this strip? I’d sure like to know when this labrynthian epic ends
EOC probably can’t take the hint
Looks like Sam is trying to figure out WTF’s going on with this “Story”
Well, it looks like Costello’s resolution to cut things short, and maybe clear things up never came to fruition. Better luck next year folk
Did a Mohel cut your quick?
Has Neil made a New Year’s resolution to be still when he has nothing new to say?
Now the comments are sinking lower than this “Saga” Gonna be a great New Year
You must really be thrilled watching paint dry
Gotta wonder why there are no bomb sniffing cats, cats for the blind, service cats, etc. etc. etc.