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  1. over 15 years ago on Glenn McCoy

    Unfortunately, selfishness is what makes capitalism work. Face it, you’ll work a lot harder to feed, house and clothe YOUR family than mine. Same reason communism is a pipe dream; you take away the profit motive and motivation goes with it. As noted already, government’s role in a free society is mostly to prevent one citizen from screwing another.

  2. over 15 years ago on Tom Toles

    “…an abundance of proof…”? What abundance? You mean his word, a newspaper announcement placed by his family, and that computer-generated POS “certificate of live birth”? And this issue is decidedly NOT settled. The latest, which I read in the Grey Lady, of all places, is that O now claims he held dual British-US ciizenship from birth until some unspecified time–Kenya was still a British colony in 1961. He also admitted in April that he traveled to Pakistan as a college student in 1981, which would have been almost impossible on a US passport (the regime at the time hated our guts), but simple for a declared Muslim traveling on an Indonesian passport. More food for thought from the most truthful, open administration ever!

  3. over 15 years ago on Tom Toles

    Humphries, dear child, they didn’t have computers at the Hawaii health department in 1961. And it isn’t nice to call people names. This is an opinion forum for civilized adults,not a playground. All others: I repeat–the issue is not his birthplace or certificate; it is his status as a native-born citizen under the laws of the United States. Obama discusses his life in Indonesia at length in his book, and two lawsuits were filed and ignored at the Supreme Court level over his subsequent loss of native-born status. Anyone with a computer can look up laws once they overcome their own biases and examine the facts.

  4. over 15 years ago on Tom Toles

    1)McCain was born on a US military base of two US citizens; therefore he is a native-born citizen.2)Obama may or may not have been born in Hawaii–I’ve seen the document in question and it is an obvious fake. Where’s the signature of the attending physician, for example? There isn’t even a blank for one, nor for any of the other required data about a birth. But that became a moot point when he left the US for Indonesia when he was about five. 3)Indonesian law at the time required you to be both a declared Muslim and a citizen or legal ward of one to attend public school. It did not and does not allow dual citizenship. So when Obama came back to Hawaii to live with his grandparents, he could have applied for and received US citizenship–although no record has been found that this was done–but he could not have regained his native-born status, which is what matters, Constitutionally speaking. Once you give that up(or have it given up for you, in the case of a minor)you cannot regain it.4)There was no big conspiracy or cover-up here–when he went off to college, his little sojourn in Indonesia was just overlooked. The DOT in Hawaii or California just issued him a driver’s license based on his address and family and it was just always assumed he was native-born. I guess they never figured he’d run for President.5)I’m not a nut job, right-wing or otherwise; I just believe facts are facts. Hell, Obama wrote about all of these events in his autobiography! He just conveniently left out the citizenship ramifications.6)But he’s President anyway, eligible or not, so we’ll all just have to hope he doesn’t f__k things up any more than the last couple of boneheads. I personally just wish the government would stop sticking its nose into my business and its hand into my back pocket.