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Recent Comments

  1. about 20 hours ago on Bozo

    3 – It doesn’t look like Bozo is gonna make bail today.

  2. about 20 hours ago on Gasoline Alley

    There’s also an animal standing on the other side of the fireplace, whew.

    - – - – -

    Here’s the classic comics update for the 6th:

    Skeezix gets picked up for questioning. “Don’t worry kid, you’ll do fine in Juvenile Hall.”

    Old Reliable was making a bee-line for somewhere… but was he headed to save the Doc, or for Mexico?

    So Brenda stumbles right into a plot to impersonate her.. but will she have to go back to red before Kolina shows up at the house?

    Walt finds out what’s going on down in the factory, but is there anything someone in his late 70s can do about it in time?

  3. about 21 hours ago on Gasoline Alley

    Gil Thorp? I tried the new version twice, the first time the sports parts were too ‘wrong’, the second time they changed artists.

  4. 2 days ago on Jane's World

    Beta blocker…

  5. 2 days ago on Monty

    This never happened to Kurt Vonnegut. (Stephen King, all the time.)

  6. 2 days ago on Overboard

    If it’s been over two months, I bet Louie needed that bath, mud or no mud!

    Good morning Shika… and crew!

  7. 2 days ago on Gasoline Alley

    Me, I’m on pins and needles to see how (or if) Jim is gonna get out of THIS one!

    - – - – -Railroad management continues to wait on word for what the new message board might mean for operations here.

    MEANWHILE – We have a three-car special pulling in as the classics comics update for the 5th:

    Old Reliable, reliably finishes breaking away from Moss (who was trying to settle the horse down)…. and runs off into the stormy night. Does he have Rudolph’s nose to see with? Onboard GPS?? The nose of a bloodhound???

    As maximum hijinks can result from Brenda as not-Brenda getting confused for Kolina, and Kolina as not-Kolina getting confused for Brenda… we’ve effected the ol’ switcheroo in one fell swoop. Just so long as Mr. Roper doesn’t find out, everyone should be okay?

    51 Years Ago Today in the Alley… Walt had a much better idea of what was going on around him, but like in the installment at the top of the page – we’re gonna need at least one more day to be let in on the secret.

  8. 3 days ago on Overboard

    Scratch is singing “Hairball”, Henry and Nate are playing “hardball”.

    Good morning, crew!

  9. 3 days ago on Gasoline Alley

    Without, at least during the Depression years of the strip. Now let’s get Walt out of the cold.

    - – - – -

    I wonder who was the first to think of running multiple storylines in a single, daily strip. The detective report their finding back at the stationhouse, while Walt and Phyllis continue their tour of Cornwall.

    Old Reliable continues to get more upset the longer time passes. Could be he’s just trying to get away before Doc gets back there with him pistol.

    When they get to the latest fire that Skeezix didn’t start, maybe Mrs. Livwright can get a drink from the firehose.

    Once Rufus makes his way into the old building, it’s pretty much a cinch that Walt’s gonna end up in there as well.

  10. 4 days ago on The Argyle Sweater

    Tessio would like to play Donkey Kong, for old times’ sake.