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  1. about 15 years ago on Jen Sorensen

    Oh I love ignorance, can you imagine how boring it would be if we always only had facts to read…

  2. over 15 years ago on Drew Sheneman

    It is not conservative values that have landed us in the mess that we are in now. Conservatism would dictate that you do not spend what you do not have; that ideal would not land us in the problem that we are in now.

    What probably landed us in this problem is that Americans, when it comes to politics, are more ignorant now than they have ever been. We may be able to build complex networks that send information near the speed light so that we can watch all the porn we want on our computers but ask ten people what the Glass-Steagall act is and I would bet 9 would not know.

    If Americans would pay attention to who they were voting for and demanded accountability for our government officials we would not be in this problem.

    I guess maybe the government should accept that Americans are becoming too ignorant to be allowed to make their own decisions. They should raise all of our taxes to 100% and distribute wealth equally and accordingly to all people. We should be told what to eat and in what amounts, to cut down on obese people draining the health care system. We should be told to when to sleep and when to wake, to cut down on people falling asleep while driving. We should be told when we can use the bathroom, to cut down on the stress to the sewer systems if everyone were to flush the toilet at the same time. We should be told what to wear, so people do not feel threatened by another’s clothes. We should be told who to marry, to cut down on how much divorce cost our court systems. We should be told how many kids to have and what gender they should be, so that we can keep a balanced society. The list goes on, but if we were told everything to do we would not have to worry about anything anymore and turn everything over to our ever expanding government and then there would be no crime, no pollution and no poverty.

  3. over 15 years ago on Drew Sheneman

    Without arguing the legality or the morality of the bush administration I would like to pose one question that has been bothering me for a while; why does Obama concentrate so heavily on Bush? It seems that he would want to move on and successfully run his own administration. It also seems that every time Bush is brought up there are other things going on that should be more noteworthy.

    Going back to the Geneva Convention not covering terrorist being false is not accurate anatheist. Without going into the entirety of the Geneva Convention these are the points you should know. The Geneva Convention only applies to wars between states that have signed the Geneva Convention. We are not battling a state we are battling an organization that claims no statehood and more importantly no statehood claims the organization. The organization is moving from state to state falling out of the protections of the Geneva Convention. That is why we only “tortured” those who were affiliated with the terrorist organizations and never those who were affiliated with Iraq.

    My point about the “torture” being no more than what we train our soldiers with was only brought up because that is the international loop hole for torture that was agreed on by most of the worlds major powers.

    On another note; why bother correcting people’s spelling and grammar? A miss-spelled word does not weaken an argument it simply means the author did not take the time to run what they type through a word processor.

  4. over 15 years ago on Drew Sheneman

    If there had had been another terrorist attack then people would have said Bush was too weak.

    The practices that were implemented to gain information were not considered torture at the time because we practice the same tactics on our own military personal to prepare them for what they may encounter in other countries if captured. Although that is walking a very very thin line it was considered alright at the time.

    Under the Geneva Convention you are not allowed to torture anyone from another state, terrorist claim no state therefore do not fall under the protection of the Geneva Convention.

    Do I agree with torture, no; has there been another terrorist attack on the US, no. What many do not consider was there was no right answer during that time period so no matter what the administration would do it would be wrong; which was actually part of Bin Laden’s plan; he wanted to disrupt the American way of living, break the American economy and change the American outlook on its government. I guess he won.

    The real question that I often ask myself is why is Obama concentrating so heavily on Bush. He frequently calls out and blames the Bush administration for everything that he thinks is going wrong. As soon as the media dies down about the last thing he said about Bush he releases more information about Bush. What’s next the security tapes from his bedroom while he was in the white house?

  5. over 15 years ago on Drew Sheneman

    Actually I live in the real world where my objectd do not matter. I live in a sub $100,000 home in a community where the average home price is $275000 and I drive a car that cost me $4500 seven years ago. I just dont care about houses and cars that much and so my bills stay low because my insurance and taxes are low and my utilities are low (small house) and I see no need to have cable since my TV now gets digital service through those little boxes. Deadhead; you are right being a waitress would make it harder but not impossible; home ownership is not for everyone, in fact they are a not a good investment on average, before the price fall, they only returned around 3%. Apartments may seem like you are throwing your money away but you dont have to pay insurance, taxes and upkeep on an apartment and you can get a very cheap one and save the rest of your money. You could then reinvest in yourself by going to school and earning a degree that would apply to a better paying professional job. I konw that is hard as well I went to college and then law school 8 years after finishing highschool with two kids.

  6. over 15 years ago on Steve Kelley

    I was in Pittsburgh when Murtha was spouting off and he called is opponent a cold blooded killing marine. He also said that people in pittsburgh were ignorant and racist if they did not vote for Obama and yet the idiots in Pittsburg still voted for Murtha. I guess he got the ignorant part right

  7. over 15 years ago on Drew Sheneman

    LeRay having a credit card does not imply debt although I realize that it is technically a loan. You do have the option to pay off your bills at the end of the month. As far as only having one income earner in the home; i was taught at a young age to never rely on a job. My wife and I both work, I make more and we make sure to only live off of her salary and I save all of mine. Our cars our house and everything we do is based off of her teacher salary. If one of us was to lose or job or fall ill it would be no big deal we would have everything covered. You are right that most people can not pay cash for thier homes and cars but there are responsible people in the world that make sure they can afford the items they buy by comparing actual cost to salary i.e. a home should be no more than three years of the lowest earners income and a car should be nore more than 6 months of the lowest earners income. Very simple stuff here

  8. over 15 years ago on Tom Toles

    I would really like to know what taxing those who make over 10,000,000/year 90% is going to accomplish to pay down the debt. That would mean if you were one of the fortunate people in our free country who had worked hard and achieved a position that rewarded your efforts so heavily than you would only take home 1,000,000. While that is still a lot of money you have to ask yourself what incentive would anyone have to cross that threshold? That means business owners would purposely hold down profits so that they could only make 9,999,999.99/year which would equate to people losing jobs. I have never worked for a poor person and doubt is going to happen anytime soon. With the exception of those who inherit large sums of money; upon birth we all have the same opportunities. We go to school and start making decisions that will impact the rest of our lives. The top richest people in this country for the most part did not come from wealthy families; they worked hard to acquire what they have and in the process have made many people besides themselves wealthy. Examples are investors in Microsoft and Berkshire Hathaway. A better solution would be to tax everyone in the country and businesses 25%, a flat tax. The distribution would be 10% going to fed, 10% going to state and 5% going to individual retirement accounts. For corporations the 5% would go directly into the whole retirement account system to be redistributed to the individual (A fail proof way to earn interest on the investments). You could eliminate the IRS and quit this non-sense of filing your taxes every year because everything would be very simple. All those that worked for the IRS are re-positioned into a government oversight service that tracks and records all spending of every single government official and government agency to make sure that it is in the best interest of the American People. There would also be a flat tax of 5% placed on everything but food that is considered a staple (dairy, grains, fruits, vegetables and etc) Accountability would be regained in our government which would virtually eliminate all debt.

  9. over 15 years ago on Gary Varvel

    Well at least the government’s response to the Tea parties was only calling the conservatives right wing terrorists who might be able to recruit ex-vets. Jeanine Gerafalo (Don’t know how to spell her name) called everyone that attended a tea party an ignorant racist and inferred they were gay by playing on the word Tea Bagging.

    I really do not know why they are so dead set on attacking conservatives they have won almost every election possible; what are they so afraid of?

  10. over 15 years ago on Tank McNamara

    I would trade my tickets for a bailout!!!