Badass uncle sam

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  1. 10 days ago on Views of the World

    Been shot in the ear myself. Seriously. Had I assume an AK bullet pass between the top of my ear and my head. Nicked a groove in my ear and left a burn mark on the side of my head. Ear is cartilage and skin. Bullet hardly notices it as it punches through. It’ll punch a neat hole at a right angle but at that angle it’ll puncture the skull and its game over. Trump got it at an obtuse angle as did I so he’ll have an elongated wound.

    The heroic firefighter who threw himself in front of his family and took the bullet for them unfortunately got it full-on.

    Fake shot be darned. That firefighter and the other two prove there were live rounds in use.

  2. 10 days ago on Drew Sheneman

    Correct! Absolutely and inevitably correct! So I guess the heat of the Cretatious was caused by dinosaurs riding around in giant SUVs. Because without humans, alarmists say, everything was perfect.

    Oh, and as for slow climate change. Phoney. Toba darn near wiped humans out some 75k years ago. Ever hear of the Little Ice Age? The year without a summer? Know what will happen when the Yellowstone supervolcano erupts again?

  3. 10 days ago on Drew Sheneman

    Ever hear about a little thing called a nuclear winter?

  4. 16 days ago on Drew Sheneman

    Was a lot hotter in the cretacious. No glaciers, no polar ice caps, dinosaurs in Antarctica, sea levels 400 feet higher than today. Life survived. What we had better do is adapt to the shifting climate, not try to changeit, which is likely impossible short of a full-on nuclear war.

  5. 21 days ago on John Deering

    As a retired GI, I agree. Soldiers are not war mongers, as we have to actually kill or die, unlike politicians.

    However, i would far rather make the enemy support war on his homeland than us fighting on the banks of the Mississippi River or the beaches of California or Florida. The closest the Axis got to the shores of America was the islands off Alaska. That left our Homeland, food production and industrial might unchecked and we drowned the axis in men and the materials of war. Japan had their transport ships sunk faster than they could build them. Germany’s industry was bombed mercilessly. We choked both Japan and Germany of oil.

    The Japanese troops could not believe the supplies America provided our troops while they starved. The US Navy actually had ice cream barges to tow to our infantry to give them a taste of home. Incredible morale booster and it put the Fear of Uncle Sam into the Japanese general staff. Yamamoto predicted our production and he was right.

    I do not like war but I do not fear it. The soldier does not fight because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.

    Unfortunately, humans being humans, war is going to be a part of us for the foreseeable future.

  6. 21 days ago on John Deering

    He also said he passed the Act so that “I’ll have ni@@ers voting Democrat for the next hundred years”. He came from a slave holding family, and his wife was worse.

  7. 21 days ago on John Deering

    So is the vommunist party. But now. Liberals are calling for the assassination of Trump. Do they really want to start a shooting civil war? They’d loose. Quite handily.

  8. 23 days ago on John Deering

    Judges already have this immunity, as do military commanders. General Schwarzkopf was sued as a young officer by the parents of one of his troops killed in Vietnam by enemy mortars, I believe it was. The courts held him blameles, as an officer has to be able to order troops Into danger. An officer or NCO can even kill one of their own soldiers on the spot for cowardice in the face of the enemy and not be prosecuted. Even if the soldier was drafted against their will and is not a volunteer. That’s the reality of war.

  9. 24 days ago on Phil Hands

    Relax, it does more for Democrats than Republicans. Now Joe cannot be held criminally liable for his actions in Afghanistan, Gaza, on the border, etc.

  10. 28 days ago on Luann

    The long dissertation on sails and rigging lost me. I skipped ahead to the good parts.