I found out I have bicep tendonitis in my right shoulder…basically can’t use my right arm when doing any leaning and pushups are out of the question…not that I do pushups….but, starting therapy next week, so should improve.
Now if I had argued the other way, I would’ve gotten more responses…anyway, I believe what I believe, I’m 58 years old, and I don’t think I’ll live long enough to care what happens. I grew up in the 70’s where they hired an Italian to play a crying Indian to try to make us care about pollution. I do my best to have a small impact, I recycle, I only leave the house if I have to, I don’t litter when I do leave the house. Ya’ll can discuss it til the cows come home, won’t change my mind.
I’m 58 years old…political or not, I’ll be dead before I ever get an ev. It’s not worth it now, I can’t afford it. I have a 2005 minivan, and if I get to the point that I need another vehicle, I’ll find something that runs around $1k. The young people of today, maybe in 30 years will be able to get them cheaper.
Nothing wrong with discussing so called climate change. I believe it’s natural, not man made. Only God can change it to the degree that others want to be alarmed about. If you look at any timeline of pictures of coastlines, there has been more building going on on shorelines than more water taking said shorelines. Sun activity and volcanic activity causes more change than cows farting or gasoline powered cars being driven. I will not be driven to alarm or fear, or driven to change my ways, just because a few bought and paid for scientists declair it so, or some politician who flies everywhere says it’s so. Other than that, I love Eddie and his adventures and story telling.
Bob Miller, Professional Scapegoat Don’t become a shame, I’ll take the blame! No blame too big or too small! Car didn’t start? Blame It On Bob! Not enough money for rent? Blame It On Bob! Didn’t get your homework done? Blame It On Bob! Call now to schedule your blame!
2005 comic, 2024 prices…shows how much things have gone up. If I knew now back in 2005, I would’ve saved more money…