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AdmNaismith, BCS, etc… : The Fundys (I suppose you are not speaking of people who live on the BAY of Fundy) have NEVER had to refer the voice of the People to the leftist tilt of the courts for the simple reason that even in California the PEOPLE actually REJECT homosexual marriage by a large majority. Check it out! Prop Eight in California did not just EEK by, but passed with a much greater majority than The Great Impostor received. And BCS - EVERY court that has ruled the ban unconstitutional IS liberal, and VERY leftist. Party affiliation does not apply in most judicial appointments, since the SENATE approves Federal judges, and even very CONSERVATIVE Presidents have ended up nominating liberal judges, because, as it is said, power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely, and when you receive a lifetime appointment to the bench you have pretty much RECEIVED absolute power!