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Tracy was there when Tess’s dad was shot. Patten woke him up, so he should have known that the father was dead.
Lila should be on Jay Leno’s jaywalking. She is that stupid!
She definatly rimes with witch
Lil’s fingers are so sticky that she could get that coin at 50 paces or more.
Get a locking cover for it.
olive oil does way better than milk.
I leave mine up till after I don’t see any more of them for a week or so.
The last time Lil was in town Clova hired an actor to play a hit man after Lil.
FDR was not as liberal as the one elected.
Looks like Andy is about to get the whuppin he so richly deserves.
Tracy was there when Tess’s dad was shot. Patten woke him up, so he should have known that the father was dead.