Person918's Profile

person918 Free
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Comics I Follow

Calvin and Hobbes
By Bill Watterson
FoxTrot Classics
By Bill Amend
By Mark Tatulli
Non Sequitur
By Wiley Miller
Tiny Sepuku
By Ken Cursoe
Tom the Dancing Bug
By Ruben Bolling
Too Much Coffee Man
By Shannon Wheeler
Basic Instructions
By Scott Meyer
The Boondocks
By Aaron McGruder
By Tony Cochran
By Garry Trudeau
Bloom County
By Berkeley Breathed
By Bill Amend
Ink Pen
By Phil Dunlap
By Charles Schulz
Get Fuzzy
By Darby Conley
By Ryan Pagelow
The problem is that representational art has become so commonplace that it’s boring (particularly to members of the art community). Also, camera technology has made realistic painting pretty much redundant. But as Agnes demonstrates in the last panel, the most important thing is that someone is willing to pay for it.