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how about Russia and Jehovah’s Witnesses?
have been the lucky ones
actually, 2 Tim. 3:1-6 describes what most people would act like during the last days…anybody want t dispute that
WRONG DW..the bible has a theme..the Kingdom…seeming contradictions are usually the result of people sticking to the KJ and not reading a modern language translation
t he bible clearly states that Satan is the god of this world
Just ask any Vietnam vet what he thinks when people smile that smarmy smile and say “thank you for your service”
my cat loves my chapstik…I don’t DARE leave it where she can find it
yeah, where IS Steve?
yeah…my wife used to mumble a lot until I got my hearing aid (left ear works, right ear is just to keep my head from canting to the left)
The apostle Paul said that a woman should not teach in the congregation…that includes public prayer unless there is no baptized man available.
how about Russia and Jehovah’s Witnesses?