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Recent Comments

  1. over 13 years ago on MythTickle

    Chikuku – How do you know it was realistic? Artists have always been willing to fudge on reality … Photoshop just makes it a whole bunch easier. You could certainly be correct, however. Having said that, what diff? Justin’s artwork is amazing.

  2. over 13 years ago on One Big Happy

    Damp cloth. That’s a good idea. I seem to recall my mother used a different technique … ME!

  3. over 13 years ago on MythTickle

    Justin-Not your fault … your following is just very devoted, loyal, attentive and possessing of extremely long memories!

  4. over 13 years ago on MythTickle

    Oh, please. Let us remember our classic carols far, far apart from Carrie Underwood (shudder).

  5. over 13 years ago on Red and Rover

    And this is why we will once again cook that bird out on the grill.

  6. almost 14 years ago on Real Life Adventures

    I would like to take this opportunity to thank Gocomics.com for this FABULOUS site upgrade. Now I can only access about half the comics I’d want to see every day and they take twice as long to load. Win-win all around … forgive the lack of a sarcasm font there!

  7. almost 14 years ago on MythTickle

    Don’t any of you remember Trig?

  8. almost 14 years ago on MythTickle

    Didn’t understand Dudley’s Ray Ban flag yesterday. I get it now! And while I’m at it … this is the most amazing art in the comic world.

  9. about 14 years ago on MythTickle

    Wouldn’t touch than onion with a ten-foot flagpole.

  10. about 14 years ago on Fred Basset

    All terriers are Airedales on the inside!!