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  1. about 19 hours ago on Cathy Classics

    Any talk about awareness is good talk. We definitely move forward the more we know about things. And a heartfelt congratulations to those doing well after treatment!

    Hello Cathy friends! Happy Monday! Have a great day, all!

  2. 4 days ago on Cathy Classics

    This is why I don’t talk about anything that I’m thinking of doing. Many times something comes up and it doesn’t happen or I’ve decided to do something else, and I just don’t want to talk about it.

    Some people get motivation from others, and they will accomplish things if they are held accountable by someone else, but that doesn’t work for me. I get my motivation from myself, which can be both good and bad, haha.

    Hello Cathy friends! Happy Friday! Have a great day, all!

  3. 4 days ago on Cathy Classics

    Love your Halloween themed name btw! I think I will join you… :-)

  4. 5 days ago on Cathy Classics

    Or do a little mixing between the two lists. Have a sandwich with fruit. The protein and fiber will fill you up and you won’t feel hungry until dinner. Chips always make me overeat and feel hungry so I don’t bother with them.

    Hello Cathy friends! Happy Thursday! Have fun in FL, hendelca! Have a great day, all!

  5. 6 days ago on Cathy Classics

    I eat pretty healthy in general, but I do eat my favorite junky foods if I want to. I just eat a good quality version of it and less quantity. I’ve read that our taste buds are chemical sensors that tire quickly, and it’s proven that the first couple of bites are the best. After eating the same thing for a while, we may have very little taste experience left at all, so I don’t bother.

    I also find that I’m usually. not as hungry on my workout days, but the next day, I’m hungrier than usual. I guess my body is thinking it will need the energy. Again, it comes back to listening to your body and not making up random rules.

    Hello Cathy friends! Happy Wednesday! Have a great day, all!

  6. 8 days ago on Cathy Classics

    Poor Electra, having to make Cathy feel guilty in order to get out. I enjoy walking outside and I don’t even have a dog. I guess it’s good that Electra is helping Cathy move and be healthier, but it should be more mutual (i.e. Cathy should also be eager to help Electra be healthy and healthy). C’mon Cathy, get up and get moving, and enjoy your walking partner!

    Hello Cathy friends! Happy Monday! ❤❤ Happy (belated) anniversary, Lindzcoop and Mr. Lindzcoop ❤❤ I hope you both have many more happy, healthy years together! Have a great day, all!

  7. 11 days ago on Cathy Classics

    I’m pretty good at making up excuses too, Cathy. Although usually mine involves avoiding the mess in the house, and my excuse is usually “I need to go exercise.” How ironic… :-)

    Hello Cathy friends! Happy Friday! Have a great day, all!

  8. 12 days ago on Cathy Classics

    If talking on the phone makes you sweaty, you may have hyperhidrosis. A doctor can help you with that. Regardless, wear the sweatsuit… that’s literally what they’re for! :-)

    Hello Cathy friends! Happy Thursday! Have a great day, all!

  9. 12 days ago on Cathy Classics

    That’s great… so you’re never a sweaty sweetie. :-D

  10. 12 days ago on Cathy Classics

    Every little bit counts. Just keep that body moving!

    Hello Cathy friends! ❤❤ Happy anniversary to hendelca and mrshendelca! ❤❤ Wishing you both many more happy, healthy years together!! ❤❤