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  1. about 12 hours ago on Loose Parts

    I’ll add these to my list :) (I had to take some X-rated stuff off the original list).

  2. about 12 hours ago on Moderately Confused

    I’m 75. I was out for my 4.5 mile walk this morning and I saw another man who I had seen before. I usually see him at a specific part of my walk which is on a long, uphill part of the walk. Today I saw him at a different part of the route and realized that he walks at least almost as much as I do. Based on other places where I’ve seen him, at the very least, he’s doing 3.5 miles.

    To get to where I saw him, he had to climb a very steep hill that’s almost a half mile long.

    I stopped him and we introduced ourselves. He’s 85 years old. I now think I know WHY he’s 85 years old.

  3. about 12 hours ago on Herman

    When I was in the service, the State of New York automatically extended my driver’s license as long as I remained on active duty. So my license was a decade out of date. It was a piece of cardboard and had a 30-digit code as the number. No picture.

    So when I was asked for ID in California where I was stationed, I usually offered my military ID instead.

  4. about 12 hours ago on Aunty Acid

    Woman: Bless me father for I have sinned. I thew a rotten tomato at a politician.

    Priest: You’re here to confess your sins, not brag about your public service.

  5. 1 day ago on B.C.

    The United States had 5 times the world average per captia death rate due to Covid due to governmental policy. So of the nearly million deaths due to Covid, 800,000 of them were preventable if we just followed the same protocols as the rest of the world including some of the so-called fecal hole countries.

  6. 1 day ago on B.C.

    People have been wearing masks in Japan when they were sick for decades prior to the pandemic. I guess they consider it part of their public duty. Too many American don’t believe in “public duty” – it’s ALL about them.

  7. 1 day ago on FoxTrot Classics

    I was there in 1974 to learn how to operate C-141s. I say operate since you do not really fly something that big.

    According to legend, the flight manual of a C-5 starts with the words, “We the people of this aircraft …” It is not man-transportable. Each crewmember carries a different section of it.

    The C-141 was sometimes called the “aluminum cloud” the C-5 was called “the aluminum overcast” or the box the C-141 came in. Command didn’t like it when you called the C-5 a “Fat Albert.”

    There are about 10,000 things that can go wrong with a C-5 and most of them do. I had one break down when I was working airlift out of Diego Garcia. I had limited billeting available and asked the aircraft commander to keep a minimum crew. That was about 10 people. He sent more than a dozen back to Clark AB.

    For three days, the C-5 was the t the highest point on the island.

  8. 1 day ago on Herman

    I work with a group that helps people organize their job searches. Networking, help with resumes and cover letters and in particular, help with interviews including conducting mock interviews.

    Most of these people are mid-career. They are facing something us old timers haven’t: lack of loyalty by the company to their employees. It’s a greed-driven world and the executives at companies can make money (or so they think) by exploiting their workers and when they burn them out, dispose of them on trash pickup day. The only regrets the company has is that they can’t turn their ex-employees in for scrap value.

  9. 1 day ago on Moderately Confused

    Parent: Do your laundry.

    Teenager: Why? My clothes will only get dirty again.

  10. 1 day ago on Loose Parts

    How many deja’s are there?

    Deja-who? – the feeling you’ve forgotten that person’s name before.

    Deja-moo – the feeling that you’ve waded through this BS before.

    Deja-boo – the feeling you’ve seen that Halloween costume before.

    Deja-glue – the feeling that you’ve been stuck like this before.

    Deja-jew – having seconds at a seder.

    Deja-loo – another trip to the bathroom.

    Deja-new – the feeling you’ve never seen this before

    Deja-pooh – the feeling you’ve seen that bear before

    Deja_roo – the feeling you’ve seen that bear’s sidekick before

    Deja_stew – leftovers from a previous dinner.

    Deja-too – redundancy

    Deja_woo – dating the same woman twice

    Deja-zoo – a replicate of Noah’s Ark.

    Deja-view – watching reruns on TV

    Deja-brew – having another beer.

    Deja-drew – copy / paste

    Deja-crew – second shift

    Deja-mew – I’ve seen that cat before

    Deja-pew – sitting in the same place in church.

    Deja-flew – round trip ticket on an airplane

    Deja-do – rework

    Deja-flu – a relapse

    Deja-ewe – Dolly, a cloned sheep

    Deja-hue – I’ve seen that color before.

    Deja-you -your twin

    Deja-do-do – being in deep sh*t again

    Deja-shoe – goody two shoes