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  1. about 11 hours ago on FoxTrot Classics

    I don’t know why, but I like learning things like this. Thanks.

  2. about 11 hours ago on Francis

    Project 2025 is proceeding according to plan.

    Remember the Nazis started by deporting Jews, but decided to save the German taxpayers money with their final solution.

  3. about 11 hours ago on Off the Mark

    Tin foil helped with the antenna.

  4. about 11 hours ago on Herman

    My wife still overcooks. We send a lot of food home with our unmarried adult son.

  5. about 11 hours ago on Speed Bump

    Back in the 1970’s I was stationed in Japan. When people ask me where in Japan, I reply, “Korea.” I spent more time there than at home.

    There is a lot of shopping to do in Korea and one of the items they sell is “mink blankets.” I don’t know what the real material is, but I can tell you that they weigh about 40 pounds and that they WILL keep you warm on the coldest of nights. Just make sure that you head to the bathroom before going to bed. Struggling to get out from underneath one of them will wake you up.

    The best time to buy them was when the temperature was 90 degrees outside. Bargaining for a blanket was a lot easier then.

    We have several. Who knew that weighted blankets would become a “thing?”

  6. about 11 hours ago on Off the Mark

    Scams like this work otherwise they would not exist.

    Back in the days when telephone signals came through a wire in the wall and TV signals came over the air, TV announcers would urge people to continue watching their channel by saying “Don’t touch that dial.”

    You old folks may remember that you had to physically turn a dial to turn the set on and adjust the volume and use another dial to tune in one of the 13 channels (3 or 4 of which might be available in your area).

    The modern equivalent is “Don’t click that link.” If you get a notice about any kind of account being compromised. Hang up (close the message) and contact the bank or service or whatever using their website or published phone number.

  7. about 11 hours ago on Herman

    When we were first married, my wife cooked like her mother taught her: for a family of 5 people. If I did not start bringing home some bachelors for dinner, I would have weighted 300 pounds.

  8. about 11 hours ago on FoxTrot Classics

    When I graduated pilot training, I rented an airplane and my wife and I flew down to Florida to visit her grandparents.

    The week prior I was flying a multi-million dollar, supersonic aircraft, but I could not rent a car because I was under 25 years of age.

  9. about 11 hours ago on B.C.

    Tush Whoosh

  10. about 11 hours ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Reason number 1 why I am glad I’m not a girl: the world is my urinal.