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Recent Comments

  1. 8 days ago on Tarzan

    It should, the title of this story is Tarzan and the City of Gold.

  2. 11 days ago on Clay Bennett

    As of tomorrow, Go Comics is removing comments from political cartoons. Get ready to stew in silence!

  3. 14 days ago on Heart of the City

    The best way to learn and remember is by first making mistakes.

  4. 18 days ago on Clay Bennett

    FDR was elected to 4 terms of office and used a wheelchair. Luckily television wasn’t invented yet. I think Trump shows more cognitive decline than Biden. Trump lies every time he speaks, has zero empathy, and is a felon and a traitor, and doesn’t possess a shred of decency. The choice is clear.

  5. 20 days ago on Clay Bennett

    In America, diversity is our strength!

  6. 21 days ago on Clay Bennett

    Trump never evolved after his trip down the escalator in 2016. He’s still a wannabe Hitler.

  7. 22 days ago on Tarzan

    Not until the mid 60’s…

  8. 23 days ago on Rob Rogers

    If something isn’t done about the corrupt court now, the election won’t matter.

  9. 23 days ago on Clay Bennett

    Biden has four months of Presidential Immunity to fix this problem. The right wing justices are in the pockets of billionaires and Trump is the billionaire’s useful idiot. Do you really believe that Trump will honor the results of the election if he loses the vote? His Supreme Court majority will declare him the winner no matter what the actual vote is. There will never be another election. The constitutional crisis is here now. Biden has to step up, or give up. Decisive action is necessary or we will be in an oligarchy and democracy will be a memory.

  10. 25 days ago on Rob Rogers

    The corrupt judges have to be taken into custody immediately. If Biden still honors our democracy he needs to take official action now!