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What kind of fire drill is it without cobras though?
And Monty still has a rotary phone from the looks of it!
Just how many ghosts does she know?
I actually have a cat that will play fetch. You throw her toy and will she repeatedly bring it back and drop it at your feet.
I could answer that exact question as easily as Pig…only because I happen to have a 1977 Dodgers souvenir pennant hanging right above my desk with all the team members names on it!
In hotels I am usually just flipping 10 different light switches in a vain attempt to figure out which one controls a particular light!
I think the manager of Office Office from yesterday’s strip
Doesn’t matter what you’ve DONE. In professional sports it’s like the old Janet Jackson song: “What Have You Done For Me Lately?”
Next they’ll tell you that “original” joke: “There was no price tag on it, that means it’s free, right?”
For once someone using the word “literally” correctly! :D
What kind of fire drill is it without cobras though?