
flemmingo Free

Recent Comments

  1. about 22 hours ago on The Flying McCoys

    My wife and I quit exchanging gifts. It was a joke. She’d buy stuff that I didn’t need or want and she return stuff I got for her. Easier this way. If she wants something during year I get it for her and vice versa.

  2. about 22 hours ago on Red and Rover

    Here in Florida we’re not required to shovel our sidewalks.

  3. about 22 hours ago on Ziggy

    Looked up CEO for St. Jude’s hospital. $1.3 million and head for Salvation Army in different areas are getting almost $2,000. a week. No wonder they keep begging for your money. I wish I got $2 k a week.

  4. 2 days ago on Free Range

    Wasn’t it Fig Newton who played quarterback for Carolina Panthers?

  5. 2 days ago on The Flying McCoys

    There’s all kinds of berries you can eat, why chance something you know nothing about. End up toes up on a medical slab.

  6. 2 days ago on The Born Loser

    Is that the new Corvette you bought? Chevrolet! Will never own another. Three Corvettes and Chevy van. All junk!

  7. 3 days ago on Close to Home

    HP famous for having different cartridges for each new printer.

  8. 4 days ago on The Born Loser

    Yea! The old battle axe hits the Brutus household two days in a row. Poor Brutus must be looking for a motel by now?

  9. 4 days ago on Pluggers

    Went to a western boot maker here and saw where guy put a chainsaw through top of his boot.

  10. 4 days ago on B.C.
